Finding Light in the Dark Places of Life
There are moments in life when it feels like a dark cloud settles in making everything difficult to see. I want to see potential in myself and other people. I want to see dreams for my children and my family come true. I want to have vision and be able to imagine actually accomplishing the goals in my mind, but the darkness that invades my heart and mind seems to hold me captive from my own destiny.
Escaping the dark or shedding a little light on my life seems like a constant battle that I struggle with, but lately God has been showing me that it’s not a big, bright light that I need. I need enough light for the next step.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105(ESV)
I love the picture presented here of a path. It’s not a room filled with light or the light as bright as the noonday. It’s just enough light for the path ahead. God’s Word is the source of light.
You may have your own dark cloud that looms directly overhead causing everything to seem dull and difficult to see. Darkness comes in many forms. For me it can be ignited by circumstances beyond my control, fear of the future and discouragement that quickly turns into depression. You may not have a cloud of fear and feelings like me, but your darkness may manifest itself in the form of shattered dreams, prayers yet to be answered or circumstances that make you wonder if God has completely forgotten about you.
As I think about my dark clouds and the light I know I need and desperately desire, God is drawing me near. When I allow His light to brighten my path, my thoughts are transformed and I remember the familiar essence of His light.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17(ESV)
No matter what changes we experience or how dark things may seem, we can be confident that God never changes. His Light consistently illuminates through the change, through the pain and through the unknown. If you are wrestling with an unknown future or are struggling to see beyond the fogginess that fills the current space of your life, seek the only true source of Light.
If there is a shadow overhead or changes that are rocking your world, you can be confident fear is not from God. When I am tempted to doubt and fear, I now know what to do – turn to the Father of Light. I hope you will too.
And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. Revelation 21:23(ESV)
If this has been an encouragement to you, pass it on! Share it with someone you love!
Love & Blessings,
Thank you Kelly Balarie for having me as a guest on your blog this week!
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God is so amazing! Once again He has used u to say exactly what I needed to hear exactly when I needed to hear it! It really is amazing how just when I am losing my hope God has me hear a song or read a post or c something somewhere that is exactly what I needed to keep ” fighting the good fight”. It would b so easy sometimes to just give up or just stop believing all together but right when we r ab to that’s when God really shows us He is still there and helps us to c that He is helping us through and always has been even if we couldn’t necessarily c Him through all “the fogginess”. Thank you God for always being w us and never leaving us to fend for ourselves!
Jayna, I love how God’s timing is always perfect! Thank you for reminding me of that today! And yes! Im so thankful He does not leave us to fend for ourselves!
Love this Micah! Psalms 119:105 is one of my favorite scriptures:) Have a blessed day, friend! (Visiting you from #raralinkup today.)
Kristine, great to see you here! Thank you for stopping by!
YES! God is everything we need: love, light and grace. Thanks for sharing, neighbor. The more we share God’s love and light, the brighter the world will be. Blessings!
Amen! I love how you simplify – “Love, light, and grace!” Yes!!!
“Father of Light.” I love that Micah. Happy to see you were part of the guest post as well, beautiful words written here :)
Thank you, Crystal!
Micah, I often think I’d like for God to light up the whole path, but if I saw all I had to face, even in one year, I’d probably be overwhelmed. Being my lantern that lights my next step is actually a merciful gift. Not that I still don’t ask for more light! Thanks for your encouragement.
So true, Deb! What a merciful gift!
Micah, the Lord must be speaking because I wrote about light too, some similar thoughts, some different. Isn’t it wonderful to know that no matter how dark our path seems, he always shines just enough light for us to know the next step? Love this encouragement to draw near to His light.
I’ve seen a few similar post today! Love when God does that! I’ll swing by in a few. Yes, His faithfulness is truly amazing!
This is so encouraging and I am going to safe specifically for those dark moments. Thanks for your encouragement
So glad this was an encouragement to you, Keris! Have a great day!!
Micah, this is such encouragement and such hope wrapped up in to a single post. Great words of encouragement here.
Kelly, thanks so much! I appreciate you sharing it on your blog! You are an inspiration to so many!
What a beautiful truth to remind us of, Micah–we don’t have to have light for the whole picture, but just for the step we’re on. I need this reminder over and over. It comforts me that God doesn’t lay on us the whole journey at once; just step by step, and he guides us even in those. Thanks!
Yes. I know I wouldn’t be able to handle the entire journey at once! God knows exactly what we need each step of the way. I’m so glad you stopped by today!
Thank you for this needed message of hope and light!
You are so very welcome! Thank you for visiting and subscribing! I hope you have a blessed day!