7 Psalms for the Depressed Woman

Two years ago, I shared a series titled, “Hope for the Depressed Woman.” I received an overwhelming amount of messages and comments about the series. I am posting the links below for easy access, but also I have a special gift I want to offer you. It’s a short collection of my favorite Psalms that I know will encourage your heart if you are walking through a difficult season. All you have to do is enter your email below. If you are already subscribed, you will receive the gift in your inbox, so no need to enter your email again. Most of all, I hope you are encouraged and blessed by God’s Word today.

Hope for the Depressed Woman Complete Series

10 Things TO SAY to a Depressed Woman
10 Things NOT to Say to a Depressed Woman
Week 1: Slow Down
Week 2: Breaking the Silence
Week 3: Medication or Meditation
Week 4: Triggers and Tips for Success
Week 5: Running Away Sounds Divine

If you aren’t subscribed, enter your email at the bottom. If you are, pass the encouragement on to friend. You never know who is having a hard day.

Love & Blessings,


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About Micah Maddox