A Heart Full of Joy
It’s amazing how God can speak to each of us individually.
Jaxon made the decision to believe in Jesus and trust Him for salvation last year, but he had decided to wait until he was seven to let the church know about his decision through baptism. So we put it to rest and waited.
My natural answer to his request at the time of invitation might have been a simple whisper of, “Let’s wait,” especially since he wasn’t quite seven.
But God knows exactly what we need when we need it.
We left our seats and walked to the front. In the most mature way a six year old can, Jaxon made his declaration to the pastor at the front, “I want to get baptized on Christmas Day.”
Sometimes we forget how special we are to God. It’s easy to let life fly by and only see the hard stuff, struggle with the perplexing problems, and never really hear from God. This was a special moment, a God moment. A moment when God spoke to a child – just think about that for a moment. Never underestimate the reality of a child hearing from God.
I love the quietness of the power of God. When God nudged my heart, it wasn’t writing on the wall, or a trumpet from the heavens, it was a silent prompting that was so clear there was no mistaking. When God spoke to Jaxon, I don’t know what He said, but it was clear enough for a little boy to understand and respond to.
There are times God has prompted me and I’ve said, “No.” Or I’ve waited and put it off, but I’m learning the more I give into that silent nudge, the more loudly I hear Him impress my heart.
So this Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we will also celebrate the choice Jaxon has made to let everyone else know that he believes in and trusts Jesus.
When we sat down to talk with our Children’s Pastor about baptism just to make sure Jaxon was really ready, one of the questions He asked Jaxon was, “When you think about believing in Jesus, what do you think about?”
Jaxon’s answer was priceless, precious, and just about perfect. With the wheels in his mind turning and a look of deep thought on his face he replied, “It makes my heart full of joy.”
As we go into this week and we look forward to a time of celebrating the newborn King, let’s examine our hearts and listen for the silent nudge of the Savior.
If we really think about it and listen intently, I think our reply will be much like Jaxon’s and we will experience the joy of knowing Jesus.
Do you know Him? Have you felt His nudge and pressed it down? Have you seen the manger scenes and thought they were so cute, but never truly believed? It’s time to experience a heart full of joy just like our six year old boy. Simply believe in Jesus. Listen to His still small voice and respond.
Let’s join together this Christmas with hearts full of joy.
Merry Christmas! Share this with someone you love!
Read the Christmas Story HERE.
Love & Blessings,