Clarify Your Calling – Week 4
Week 1: You Are Called
Week 2: Don’t Pursue Your Passion, Pursue God’s Plan
Week 3: The Next Step
I tucked my legs beneath the wooden school desk and crossed my ankles as the teacher announced our grades in front of the entire class. I loved school, but something about this part made me squirm. Knowing I would get a good grade, but not the best grade made me question if I was really good enough.
Something inside me wanted to be the best. I wanted to hear, “Micah – 100%”.
I strived from my early elementary years to do my very best always looking for the A+ or 100% with a big bold smiley face at the top.
We all assembled at the end of the school year to acknowledge the smart kids. They announced the Honor Roll students, the Most Improved Students, and the ones who excelled in sports or leadership qualities. And then at the very end of every award ceremony they gave out the biggest award of all – the Teacher’s Award.
My heart was pounding, my little third grade hands were sweaty, and I could have burst into tears at the thought of winning or losing. The pressure was too big for my tiny body.
“And this year’s Teacher’s Award goes to….”
When the name was announced my shoulders dropped with a heavy exhale, and the voices in my head began.
“See, you didn’t do enough.”
“You’ll never be as good as her.”
“You’re not as smart as she is.”
“No matter how hard you try, you’ll never make it.”
“The teacher’s see something in her that you don’t have.”
All these years later, those voices still creep into my mind sometimes. They say things like:
“You’ll never succeed at this.”
“She does a way better job than you.”
“You don’t really know what you are doing.”
“Look at how easy it is for her.”
“No matter how hard you try, you’ll never catch up.”
So I sit back and evaluate my life and my calling. And a still small voice overrides all the “you can’t’s” and “you’re not good enough’s” with:
“I am with you.”
“You are enough with Me.”
“It’s not about the A+.”
“It’s not about the Teacher’s Award.”
“You just need to obey.”
“Trust Me, Micah.”
“Walk with Me.”
“I’ll lead you.”
“I’ll guide you.”
“I’m not into awards on this earth.”
“My rewards are eternal.”
“Man might never see, but I do.”
“Trust and obey.”
A wave of fresh grace and confidence washes over my soul and I remember my calling.
When I compare my calling, I question myself. When I surrender my calling, I am confident in Christ.
God didn’t call me to get a Teacher’s Award or be recognized by this world. God called me to obey His voice step by step, day by day.
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” II Corinthians 12:9(ESV)
There might be days of victory with gold stickers, confetti, and trophies, but even it not, I’ll remember my God-given calling – surrender.
I am not called to get awards and recognition of man, I am called to walk with God.
When I walk with man, I am insecure in my worth. When I walk with God, I rest secure in His will and way.
If you tend to compare yourself with others always wanting the A+, it’s time to surrender the good grade for the God-given grace within your calling.
God will equip you for your calling. Don’t give up when you think no one notices and don’t give in to the voices that try to derail you. God is with you and that is enough. Clarity is waiting for you in the presence of Jesus Christ.
Surrender doesn’t mean I compromise my life. Surrender means Christ in me will fulfill my life.
Dear Heavenly Father,
As we sit back and evaluate our callings, help us see clearly. Help us know this world is not a place to seek rewards and recognition, but help us seek You and You alone. For in seeking, we know we will find. Help us rest in the confidence of your presence and help us surrender our souls to your security.
In Jesus Name,
Love & Blessings,
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Thanks, again, Micah. Your post brought tears to my eyes. It is so easy to get caught looking at what the world deems important. This morning I read Matthew 14:27 – Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. Your words “Clarity is waiting for you in the presence of Jesus Christ” seemed to echo that thought in my mind. Have a blessed day!
I love it when God speaks to each of His girls in ways like this! Thank you for sharing that verse! Such an encouragement! I hope you have a good week!
That sentence was my favorite. :)
What a great lesson to share. It’s so important to learn to change or alter the voices we have that haunt us or keep us from whatever. This year, I know I’ve been a bit more cognizant and also incorporating some fresh ways to change my internal story/dialogue! :)
What perfect timing! After a social media and blogging break I began today asking the Lord to order my steps. He used your post to confirm and affirm. Thanks
I’m so glad you’re back! And how wonderful to know God’s timing is always exactly right.
Yes! It’s all about surrender and God’s work in and through us. Thanks for this post, Micah. God bless you and your calling!
Isn’t crazy how we try to make it so much more? If we could get to that point of surrender without trudging through all of our “what if’s” and “what’s next” and “are you sure’s”…I’m learning to say, “Whatever you say, Lord, I will do.” I don’t get it right every time, but little by little I am learning.
Thank you again Micah : )
You are so welcome, Bethany! Have a great week!
I really appreciated your post today. I know I need to surrender the results to God while at the same time persevere. Thank you for your encouragement. Visiting from #mommymoments
Your words reminded me of the verse “Faith without works is dead”. We must put feet to our faith. That’s where we will find God. He is so faithful, but we must believe.
Micah, your words encourage me to value the calling that God has placed up on my life, to lean into it and explore all of its wonderful opportunities and uniqueness!
I love that, Michelle!
Thanks for the sweet reminder and encouragement. I’m praying that end prayer along with you.
Keep praying girl! I hope you have a great week!
I’m so thankful that I found you through the Teaching What is Good link up! I feel like the Spirit is really putting a lot of this on my heart lately and I am reminded that we are to please only One God. I need that reminder all the time, that He created me to be me… and He will keep me there… so I don’t need the awards of recognition. Just humility and trust.
thanks again xoxo!
You know the word that God is impressing on my heart this very morning is humility! I love when God speaks to His girls about similar things. Humility and trust – what a huge message in two simple words! Thank you for reading and giving your thoughts! It was an encouragement to me!
Micah, this was a great post for me to read this morning after attending open house at my daughter’s new high school last night. I so do not want her to fall into the trap that snared me of striving for the A+ to the point of avoiding things I couldn’t do for fear of falling short. The best way for me to encourage her is to believe those truths the Holy Spirit whispered to you–about myself and about her. There’s so much freedom in grace, isn’t there?
Yes! So. Much. Freedom. I believe we should always do our very best, but not only to get the grade or applause. Rather, to glorify our Father in Heaven. So much of this world is obsessed with the recognition of men. I hope your daughter has a lovely school year and I hope as she works hard she will know her efforts and achievements are pleasing to God. Keep encouraging her and loving her! It sounds like you are an amazing mom! Hugs!
The words hit home for me, the competition that was at school and still is was one led for man. You are so right that we are to have our hearts and minds full of faith and wisdom related to our Lord
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Great post, Micah, thanks for linking it on Mondays @ Soul Survival. Have a great week!
Thanks, Donna. Always a joy to read your content! Keep it up!
I can so relate to your post. It’s so easy to compare ourselves to others… especially in this blogging world, but God doesn’t compare. One ministry may be big and seem exciting, another small and seem insignificant, but those are the world’s opinions, not God’s. He has a plan for both. Lord, free us from looking around us, but only look to You. Amen.
So true! My husband always reminds me, even if it’s only for one person that is enough. God has a purpose for every word. No words are wasted. Keep writing, Karen!
“When I compare my calling, I question myself. When I surrender my calling, I am confident in Christ.” Love this! Surrender is my word for the year and this is a great reminder that it’s about trusting God, not holding on to our own fixed ideas of what we “should” be or trying to make things happen in our own strength.
Love! My word is obey. It has much in common with surrender. I’m learning I can’t truly obey without first surrendering. You would think I would have already learned that, but God continues to humble me and teach me. Thank you for sharing your heart here!
This post really hits home for me, Micah. I still feel the “performance pressure” I felt in high school, the need to justify that what I do, what I have to say, is good enough. This is a conversation I have with myself often — I think many of us do. :)
I think it’s something we all struggle with yet we don’t talk about it much. It’s a hard thing to admit. I will pray for you today as we learn to know we are fully accepted by Jesus. His presence in our lives is enough and we do not need the approval of man in order to be worthy. Christ in us makes us worthy. Let’s fight those negative conversations with God’s words! One of my favorites is Psalm 27, “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?” The Lord is the strength of life, of whom shall I be afraid?” Learning to live confidently right there with you, Wendy. Hugs!
“Surrender doesn’t mean I compromise my life. Surrender means Christ in me will fulfill my life.” Yes, ma’am! Such an important message, Micah, and so misunderstood. Thanks for sharing your wonderful encouragement.
So good to see you here, Julie! Hugs!
Beautiful, Micah!
Thank you so much, Suzie!
Beautiful. Keep listening to that still small voice, Micah. Let it continue to override those awful “I cant’s.” Thank you for the encouraging prayer at the end. I really needed that today.
Candace, thank you so much for your encouragement! I’m so glad to hear that God used this post in your life today!