Don’t Quit

Don’t Quit

I’ve wanted to quit more times than I can remember. 

Life can be hard. 

And the more I do, the more I am tempted to quit. And the harder life becomes, the more excuses I have to throw in the towel on the big things and the small things. 

When crazy thoughts of quitting start creeping in, I have a few things I do that help me press on.  

women blowing a puffy dandelion
  1. Take a break. Like a literal nap. 
  2. Remember when you first felt compelled to start. 
  3. Revisit your “why”. 
  4. Know it’s okay to stop for a period of time and restart when you are ready. 
  5. If it’s stealing your joy, it might be time to stop. 
  6. No one is expecting perfection from you. 
  7. You are human. 
  8. Your job is not to please people.
  9. Ask God what He wants you to do. 
  10. Be willing to keep going or stop depending on how God answers.
  11. If it’s unclear what the right thing to do is, give it time. 
  12. Don’t make big decisions if you are feeling emotional.
  13. Don’t make big decisions when you are feeling overwhelmed.
  14. Don’t make big decisions in the midst of tragedy or heartache.
  15. Restart as soon as you feel ready. 
  16. Restart small. 
  17. Be patient with yourself. 
  18. Take it one day at a time. 
  19. Count every small step forward as a win. 
  20. Stop comparing your small steps with other people’s big steps. 

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 (ESV)

Your small step today will eventually become a big step if you keep on stepping small day by day. 

I don’t know about you, but I’m taking another small step today by posting this little encouragement. What step will you take? 

Love & Blessings,

About Micah Maddox

Page with Comments

  1. Leslie Honig says:

    Great advice! Thanks for sharing?

  2. The one thing I am struggling with right now is forgiving someone, but still feeling the pain of the hurt and betrayal they caused me.

  3. Norma Madison says:

    I’m struggling with self care, which includes spending time with God due to my husband and mother who require a lot of attention. When I feel as though I’m being pulled in two different directions, I always go to God for encouragement. Thanks Micah for allowing God to use you to encourage many women like me!

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