Hope As Seasons Change
As I walk through the pile below my feet and hear the crunch of the dried brown leaves, I can’t help but notice how each leaf is unique and the number of the leaves is too many to count. Some are broken in pieces with only remnants remaining, while others are complete and still display a unique color and shine.
And then I feel small like a tiny leaf amidst the vast array of colors, varieties and textures. I think of my life and the seasons I have walked through. I remember the way God forgave me of my sin and allowed me to experience the freshness of forgiveness. I recall my recent mistakes and the way God is so merciful and continues to forgive. I think about the rain and the storms that have come and gone in different seasons of my life. I think about the sun that beat down so blazingly hot that I longed for relief from burdens that seemed like they would never end. I think of the dark nights when it seemed I was the only one hanging on by a thread and then I remember the fresh joy in the morning and God reminds me that I am never alone. I am so thankful for the new life I have been given through Jesus Christ.
I know one day our lives will be complete and our days on this earth will be done. Unlike the leaves, we make it through years of seasons. When hard times come, we have a Good Shepherd that promises to walk with us through the doubts and difficult nights.
The Lord is my Shepherd. Psalm 23:1a(KJV)
The falling leaves are teaching me, guiding me, leading me to remember that God has a purpose for every single person and every single moment. The good moments, the terrifying moments and the moments of change – God knows and God sees.
Green leaves remind me of strength. Colored leaves remind me of the changing seasons of life. Falling leaves remind me of the journey I am on. Leaves on the ground remind me of the difficult times of grief and sorrow. But all the leaves remind me that God sees every single person, even you and even me.
Whether you feel like a vibrant green leaf with a waxy glow or a crunchy, brown, broken leaf, God sees you. He knows what season of life you are in and He cares for you. The truth is, we are all broken. If we displayed our true colors, we would all look the same – bruised, shattered and fallen. With Jesus, we are able to experience new life.
If you need new life – Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6 (ESV)
If you need to remember that God cares about you – Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. John 14:1(ESV)
If you need to feel God’s presence in the rain, storm or dark night – But the Comforter, who is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 14:26(NKJV)
I’m not sure where you are on our journey, but I hope you will find comfort in Jesus today. When you see a leaf, no matter what color, shape, or size, be reminded we are all on a journey and be encouraged God sees and God knows.
What is God teaching you about the journey of life?
Love & Blessings,
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Such a great analogy here. Encouraging others, you have a gift friend. Visiting from Winter’s link up party – Me. Coffee. Jesus.
Thanks so much, Michelle!
Oh Micah, this is such a wonderful message! It’s so full of beauty, hope, and encouragement! Your words bless me and I am grateful for you. Thank you so much for sharing, Love! GOD bless you, beautiful friend! :-)
Tai, thank you so much for your encouraging words!
You are most welcome, Love! :-)
I meant beautiful friend, not frien. LOL! :-)
How true! God is with us no matter the season or circumstance. Love the leaf analogy – I definitely would’ve considered myself brown and torn years ago, but now He is slowly restoring me :)
I love to hear that God is restoring you! A need that so many desire. Thanks for reading and chiming in!
Simply beautiful. Falling leaves will not be a prayer prompt for me to consider all that God has done for me on my journey and the plans he has for my future. Thank you!
Thanks, Christa. There is a purpose in it all!
Some time in the last 15 years, I had a thought about leaves, as I was collecting them to dry for a Thanksgiving table decoration. I saw a beautiful that had not yet fallen; one still on the tree. It was where I could reach it and I picked it off the tree. When I looked at it, I thought that it didn’t look as good apart from the tree as it did while still attached to the branch. Oh…..I was having a good thought! lol It reminded me of the family of believers. We are not meant to be out there alone. We work best together. Connected to the tree. Pretty simple, but for me it was a profound moment. I guess there might be a vine and branches lesson in there also. I appreciate what you had to say, Micah. It now gives me more to reflect on as I collect my leaves during this season. Thank you for blessing us and using your gifts to encourage so many!
What a beautiful lesson! “I am the vine, you the branches…” Thank you for sharing such a lovely moment!
Micah thank you! Thank you for making this precious message so visible through the world around me today! Blessings
You are so welcome!
If God sees each sparrow fall and each leaf fall (and He does), then surely He sees us in detail and cares about each of us. Thanks reminding me about this in your post.
Amen! It’s amazing when you really think about it.
There is something about autumn that feels like a gentle warning. It’s my favorite season, and I delight in the colors and even the aromas that surround me, but at the same time, that chill in the air reminds me that we’re about to enter the season of cold and promissory slumber. I’m always thankful for this because it calls me back to the basics — stay close to Jesus, practice your spiritual disciplines, be diligent in following.
Micah, your words are so beautiful. I always enjoy visiting here!
Michele, it brings me back to the basics too. Thank you so much for dropping in! I always enjoy when you visit too!
Micah, I received much encouragement from your observations of the fallen leaves. Thank you so much for sharing your insights and speaking life into us through the written Word of God.
Thank you so much for sharing. I am blessed to visit here today. :-)
Thanks, Micah, for this beautiful reflection from lessons leaves can offer. It was a blessing to consider the seasons of the leaves and how they speak to the seasons of our lives, to also be reminded that each leaf matters and is seen and created by the Lord!
Thank you for the reminder that we all cycle through seasons in life (and it’s a good think we’re not all on the SAME cycle ;)–otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to encourage each other!).
Oh the cycles of life! So true, Anita. Thankful God gives us the encouragement we need is each cycle!
God is slowly but surely teaching me to focus on being rather than doing….it’s a process!
I’m learning that too, Sarah. It’s a difficult lesson for me to learn.
Life is truly a journey that we walk closer and closer to His grace and mercy so that we can extend it to others. I am visiting from Barbie’s place @ Weekend Whispers, but I had already read the offering you shared this week ( and enjoyed it immensely), so I decided to scroll a bit and be blessed by more of your words. You are an encourager, Micah, and I LOVE that character trait… It reminds me so much of Jesus. At this place, I am learning the power of Micah 6:8, justice..mercy..humility…, and I am thankful that His grace allows me to learn it gently.