Hope in Hard Times: The 1 Question We All Want Answered
I have had some hard conversations with God in my life. I have asked Him questions and waited anxiously for answers that I desperately longed for.
Many times I struggle to understand why in the world things happen the way they do. Here is what God is teaching me as I look back on days of questioning and asking Him to help me understand why:
It is okay to question.
Sometimes obedience can be taught so firmly in Christian circles that questions are deemed rebellious. This leaves Christians in a place of hopeless abandonment longing for someone to help them understand how to move forward. What we need to understand is that questions answered biblically breed wisdom and understanding.
When we look into God’s Word, we see that God clearly instructs us on what to do when we are struggling with unanswered questions. He says things like, come to me, call on me, seek me and find me. Commit to me, trust me, lean on me…all of these require obedience and faith, but not without a promise of God’s wisdom and understanding to follow. If you are having trouble understanding, rather than blindly trusting your human efforts, try asking, seeking and committing to the One who can supernaturally impart wisdom into your heart, mind and soul.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. James 1:5(ESV)
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7(ESV)
Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Proverbs 37:5(KJV)
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6(KJV)
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28(ESV)
It’s amazing to me the way God gives peace without completely answering the original question. We may never get the answer to the question “Why?” But I do believe God imparts wisdom, peace and rest to those who ask the hard questions. Do not feel hindered to ask God the questions that keep you awake at night. What or who is holding you back?
God says, Come boldy.
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16(KJV)
You are free to go to Him and ask. He freely offers wisdom and reveals miraculous things through His Word and Spirit.
Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. Jeremiah 33:3(ESV)
If you have had questions swarming your heart and mind, it is okay to pour them out before the throne of God. You might be amazed at the answers, understanding and wisdom that He offers.
If God has answered you in a tough season, I would love to hear the words of wisdom He has imparted into your life. Share your experience in the comments below.
Join us next week as we talk about the 1 thing you don’t have to do when you are in the midst of a trial. You will be encouraged!
Love & Blessings,
If you are dealing with tough questions this week, I would love to hear from you! COMMENT & SHARE this with someone you love!
Here is where I am sharing this post this week!
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It truly is amazing how often God uses the simple things in life. It’s not always a grand elaborate thing. Sometimes its something as simple as reading and receiving the encouragement that u didn’t even realize you were searching for. God’s comfort is always there for us and every day He teaches us new ways he is there for us if only we are willing to open our selves up to Him.
Jayna, you are so right! Surrendering to Him and His voice reveals an amazing peace that cannot be found anywhere else. I’m so glad to hear from you!
There have been tough seasons when God’s answer has just been simply, “Turn to me. Trust me.” I’m so prone to try to fix things myself, manipulate outcomes and make things happen, and that is especially true when things are tough. But God wants me to turn and to trust.
Thanks for sharing this Scripture-filled word today, MIcah!
Christa, “turn and trust” how beautiful! Thank you for sharing that today!
I think it’s important to pay attention to how we ask our why. What is our attitude behind it? I remember times asking God why with an obedient spirit, but other times I’ve done it with anger at the situation. He probably only honors one of those. I’ve seen it with my kids too. When they are told to obey, I don’t mind if they genuinely ask why with a happy heart. But when they whine their why? That’s a different story.
I asked God “Why?” last night and He reminded me of the scripture in Isaiah 43:19… “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Thankful for his never-failing promises and constant whispers!
Emilie, thank you so much for sharing that! You are not alone and I hope your words will encourage someone else who reads them today! Thank you for joining the conversation!
Beautifully written and so true. I’ve been stewarding the call to start a non-profit and my husband and I are on the hem of it. Since back from Africa, I’ve been extremely sick and have questioned so many things. It has by far been one of the scariest but most sacred times to come before my Father, especially and pray. I had a group of women come and pray with me just a few nights ago and that’s when the peace finally came. One thing I know is if you seek God with all your heart, you will find Him. If your questioning something, I believe whether you have a concrete answer or not, our God is so loving that He will give you a peace regardless. I know He works while I wait and that’s enough for me. God bless you sister and thank you for sharing. <3 Amy
Amy, thank you so much for sharing your experience! I know it will help someone who is struggling! I so appreciate your vulnerable words!
Come bodly. I love that. David is such a big example in Psalms of bolding crying out to God during his affliction. If he can do it, so can we!
Anastasia, yes! I love the Psalms! So many examples of crying out to God. My favorite is Psalm 27.
Micah, you have a good message here. I think so many people are afraid to give God their honest thoughts, their questions. I know there was a time I was too. A relationship grows deeper when we feel we can be transparent. You did a great job of showing that God desires that from us.
Thanks, Christy! I appreciate your words of encouragement!
What a beautifully written and Biblically authenticated post Micah! Thank you for sharing. I am visiting your site via Grace & Truth this morning. I am definitely glad I chose your link. I am learning that it is in the difficult times are when we tend to seek Him most. He wants us to seek Him daily. Even though I have heard and recited Proverbs 3:5-6 since I was a young child, it was not until after my stroke that I began to apply it in my everyday life. Love that verse! Thank you again for sharing. I look forward to reading what God puts on your heart to share next week . Have a wonderful weekend and may God bless you and yours!
Thanks so much for visiting today! I’m glad you clicked too! Thank you for sharing how your stroke opened your eyes in a new way! God is so good!
Isn’t it funny how we need to be affirmed to come boldly to the Lord and ASK. A lot of times I find myself almost repenting for those conversational attempts to reason in my mind the things my heart can’t understand. Yet, I don’t think He wants that, because He WANTS us to come, to be real, of course with reverence, but wholly available to hear HIS heart. Even if that answer is a wait, trust me, believe.
Thanks, Micah!
Dawn, so often I hear Him say, “Trust me.” When I hear Him answer, I’m always so thankful I asked. I wonder how many things are left undone simply because we never ask. Daily learning to ask…Dawn, thanks so much for your wise words.
During difficult times the Psalms are an encouragement to me. The Psalmist poured out his heart before God. He asked questions. All the verses you shared are an encouragement. God wants us to be in communication with Him. I’m your neighbor at Weekend Whispers.
Carol, thanks so much for stopping by! I love the Psalms too! Such an encouraging place to hear from God.
I love this! I have wrestled with God and asked why many times. These are the times when my why may not be answered but when I learn that His presence is there as He reminds me that He will never leave or forsake me. He is right next to us as we cry out “why” and his nearness and goodness gives peace. I’m so glad I read your post on Still Sunday.
Valerie, thanks so much for sharing in your own words how God answers you! It’s amazing isn’t it!
I think when we ask God, “Why,” maybe what we are trying to say is “God, give me some wisdom, some way to deal with this situation or please remove it from my life.” It’s good to ask questions when they drive us closer to the Lord. Sometimes the answers come directly from His word, sometimes from a wise counselor at church, sometimes from a friend, sometimes from a Holy Spirit whisper.
This is a good post, Micah. I’m sure it will help others struggling with circumstances in their lives.
Next to you at Sunday Stillness.
Janis, I love the insight you bring! Yes, all of those ways of questioning resonate with me and I’m sure many others!
It’s never wrong to ask why, but we have to remember that sometimes we don’t get the answers we want… like in the case of Job… we have to learn that there is often much more going on in our situation than we can imagine, and that we have to learn to trust the Lord, even when we don’t get the response we ask for. He is worthy of our faith even when we can’t understand.
So true, Karen! I am reading through Job right now and it is such a great reminder that we never know what is going on behind the scenes. Thank you for your thoughts on this!
You asked for stories.
I was going through a really hard time in my life some years ago. I was single, in my thirties and struggling with what my present and my future were supposed to look like. I was talking to my brother on the phone one day and he was going through some tough things too. He said something to me I’ve never forgotten. He told me that he had come to realize that it is not wrong to ask God why because Jesus, who was sinless, had asked why on the cross! “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.” If it was not sin for Jesus, it is not for us. Of course, the important thing is that we don’t ask in rebellion. We may be weak and have anguish or pain or other feelings, but if we are asking with a true heart, then it is OK. That was a very comforting thought to me.
Mary, such a beautiful insight into this topic. I love the way you approached it and I value and agree with your words! Thank you!
Thank you Micah! Recently I had a decision to make and struggled over the answer I received! The Lord told me — and so did my husband — I needed to leave my job in order to focus on my writing but I struggled believing it was enough of a reason to not be working. One week into my 4 week notice period, He placed another couple of things on my plate and now in my first week not working it is clearer than even why I had to leave! Sometimes when we go to Him and ask, we receive an answer that doesn’t make sense in the moment and we just had to obey and trust! #RaRaLinkup
Sarah, that’s awesome! God is so faithful! I love hearing your recent story. It means even more being a writer and knowing God is directing but it doesn’t necessarily make sense in our minds. I’m so excited to see what God has in store for your writing ministry! Go girl!
I’m with you on this. The Bible does give us all kinds of room for coming to God with our questions. We will never fully comprehend the mind of God, and I think that this is the basis for most of our “why’s.” Life would be “easier” if God were predictable, but then, He wouldn’t be God.
Yes, I constantly remind myself that His ways are much bigger than mine. It’s a comforting thought even though we may not completely comprehend it. Thanks so much, Michele.
Incredible post, Micah! So blessed and grateful to visit with you today! Thank you so very much for sharing this, sweet friend! Peace and many blessings to you, Love! :-)
Thanks so much, Tai! So good to see you this week!
You are most welcome! And likewise, Love! :-)
Over the years I have taught people to question what they’re reading in the Word, to question their status quo lifestyles, to in general be asking questions and seeking truth in everything they do. When I began to question God’s very existence a couple of years ago, I found myself paralyzed by fear of my doubts. But I don’t think faith is the lack of doubts, it is the searching within them. Thanks for this post! Visiting from Inspire Me Mondays.
Leah, you bring an interesting perspective to the table. Questions can lead to fear and doubt, but when we find the answers and God Himself in His Word, fear is cast out. There is definitely power in the search, I think that’s why God says, seek me and find me when you search for my with all your heart. Thanks so much for drawing us deeper!
I agree – God desires relationship with us and asking questions is a part of that. One question I have learned to ask when I can’t get my “why” is “how.” “God, how will You use this? How will You work this for good? How will You show up in this situation?” It gets me looking for Him, instead of looking for answers.
I love that, Jennifer!
This line: “If you are having trouble understanding, rather than blindly trusting your human efforts, try asking, seeking and committing to the One who can supernaturally impart wisdom into your heart, mind and soul.” really speaks to me today. It is so easy to blindly trust in our human efforts, but it doesn’t lead to peace, just more anxiety. Thanks for your encouraging post!
Judy, I needed to be reminded of that today too! Thanks so much!
Great post. There have been lots of times when I have questioned God. I think it’s important that we can come to him as we are with all our doubts and fears and questions. I’ve always thought he knows how we feel anyway so it’s better just to be honest. It doesn’t always mean he gives a clear answer but sometimes there’s just the sense that he’s there and he’s listening. I think our questions can either draw us closer to God or drive us away and I’ve certainly found that being honest with God draws me closer.
So true, Carly!
Micah, I loved this part in particular: It’s amazing to me the way God gives peace without completely answering the original question. We may never get the answer to the question “Why?” But I do believe God imparts wisdom, peace and rest to those who ask the hard questions.
You are right, we don’t always get the answer but often He gives something far better! Peace and rest!
Yes! Thanks for reading, Sarah!
I absolutely agree! I love that -come boldly! He will give us peace! You always strike a chord with me! Thank you so much for sharing your heart on MMM!
Always a joy to join you, Cathy! Thanks for providing a great link up! Great to see you this week!