Let God Fill the Shoes
He came into the kitchen hollering, Mommy! Mommy! Look at me! I turned to give him my split attention between cooking, cleaning up, listening to my oldest practicing the piano and a long list of things that filled my mind in that moment. But when I saw him I paused everything else that was pulling at my attention.
He clomped through the kitchen as proud as he could be in his daddy’s oversized shoes. A smile spread across his proud face and I stood admiring him. I thought about the day when he would actually fill those great big shoes. What kind of man would he become? Would he be dependable, a man filled with integrity, faithful and honest? Would he be good to his wife and children? Would he serve God with his entire heart? The burden I felt to train Him in that moment was overwhelming.
As I started to feel the heavy load of such responsibility God calmed my thoughts and whispered sweetly to stop stressing. Although I train, teach, reprimand, encourage, correct, instruct, and love with everything in me, I cannot fill the shoes for my little boy. I cannot control his thoughts. I can only pray for him to allow God to control his mind. I cannot control his decisions. I can only teach him now how to make good decisions and pray that he would seek God’s guidance as he grows. I cannot initiate integrity into his being, but I can train and pray that God would lead his character to be one of integrity and faith.
I struggled with the burden of filling those big shoes for my little boy, but God told me to let go and allow Him to take control. So for now I won’t worry about filling those great big shoes, but I will do my part as mom of teaching, training, loving, but most of all praying that God would get ahold of my little boy and use him in ways that I could never imagine.
As I felt the heavy burden of raising my children, it’s as if God told me to stop stressing over my parenting skills and to start praying more.
If you feel overwhelmed with the burden to produce a child that is a success in society, stop it. God does not tell us to manipulate, form, and fashion a perfect child to fill a set of shoes that we dream of. As I walk through the training days of motherhood and beyond I am sure to fail once in a while. One thing that never fails is Jesus. I will call out to Him with everything in me. I will beg him to bind Satan from my children. I will intercede for them, and cry for them. I will not pre-set in my mind a picture of what their lives should look like because I cannot imagine what God has in store for their precious lives.
So for today I pray. I pour my heart out for the little ones in my care, that God would protect, speak to and guide their tender hearts. Jesus never fails and He can fill the shoes a whole lot better than I could ever dream.
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2
#1 Parenting Tip: PRAY
Be watching next week for “31 Days of Prayer” – A simple way to walk through 31 days of petition before the throne of God. Free Printable Calendar will be posted weekly for the next 4 weeks.
For today, lift your eyes and receive the help that no book, blog or expert can give – PRAY.
Love & Blessings,
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Thank You!!! Love you!
Love you, Sarah!! Wish we could sit and sip some coffee together.
Oh, you had me at the picture of that little guy!! It is so tempting to “push” our kids into the direction we think they should be going, but the joy of them discovering their strengths is so much more fulfilling. Of all things, my 6-year-old has decided to play the violin (which did NOT come from his parents:). He squeaks and chops through “hot cross buns”, but it’s been AWESOME! Strive less, pray more. What great advice today! Thank you:)
Meg, I know how learning a new instrument sounds! Hee hee! Not always music to our ears, but you never know how God will use it. Thanks for stopping by today. I constantly struggle to not push my own way in so many areas of life….continually learning to lay down my will and pray. Blessings to you and your family.
Micah, I truly love the heart you have as a Mom. It’s beautiful to see that you long for CHRIST to be the center of your son’s life. I honestly think that’s the greatest display of love that any parent could have for their child/children. I smiled that GOD gave you comfort in simply praying and letting HIM take the reins from there. So, I’m praying with you! May THE LORD’S PRESENCE always reign supreme within each of your children. May HIS love, favor and protection always radiantly shine in their lives. And may HIS HOLY SPIRIT be a constant guide in their hearts leading them to all of the glorious things that GOD has purposed and planned for their lives! In the name of JESUS, I pray, Amen and so be it! Infinite blessings to you and your family, Love! :-)
#RaRaLinkup ;-)
Tai, thank you so much for your encouraging words & prayers! Your kindness shines so brightly through your sweet words! Much love! :)
You are so very welcome, Love! Be blessed :-)
That is such a great post. Thank you for sharing.
Jen, thanks for reading. Love & blessings to you!
Great reminder to pray before we waste our efforts stressing over situations. Visiting from #RaRaLinkup!
Sarah, thanks for visiting through #RaRaLinkiup! :) continuing to learn to pray everyday.
Thank you for the reminder. I tend to worry (I’m working on it), and thinking about how I’m impacting my children’s futures is a big one for me. Thank you for the reminder to always PRAY. I will carry this with me this week for sure!!
(Visiting from #RaRaLinkUp)
Dana, I’m glad you dropped by! I continually wrestle with worry and God has to constantly remind me to let go and pray more. I hope you’ll take advantage of the “31 Days of Prayer.” I’ll post 1 week at a time starting next Sunday. Love & Blessings! :)
Thank you – I needed this reminder today. My son is already filling big shoes at 16 but the weight of his life decisions weigh heavy upon and I am glad that I get to share the parenting and the burden with a God who loves us.
Tania, yes it lightens our load when we take it to the Lord. I still have many moments of worry, but I’m learning to take my struggles to God each day. Love & Blessings to you and your son :)
I have yet to become a mother if God wills it to be, but I feel that your words are timeless and I pray that I can remember this image of not filling our children’s shoes but praying over them and their life! Thank you for sharing your experience of motherhood at #raralinkup!
Oh sweet Ruth, I hope God will give you a precious little one in His perfect time. If I could go back I would have started praying for my babies hearts long before they were conceived. Let me encourage you to begin praying now. Much love & blessings!
Thank you Micah! I will definitely begin praying for them – thank you so much for this godly advice! You are a true blessing and sister in Christ! :-)
So happy to connect with you, Ruth! If you want a free printable prayer calendar check back next week! I think you’ll love it! Easy and practical!
Really delighted to connect with you too! That sounds wonderful – I sadly don’t have a printer but am still interested in reading the prayers! :-)
I think you’ll be able to download it. And it’s just a guide. Definitely a good thing to tuck away for reference. :)
Thanks for the tip! :)
Micah, I loved your posts. Such a great reminder that praying for them is so key. I look at my sweet kids and wonder what the future holds, but only the Lord can direct their steps and draw their hearts. I need His wisdom on how to best guide them. Visiting you from Testimony Tuesday.
Shala, thanks for dropping in! Yes, I continue to draw from God’s abundant wisdom as I guide them. And sometimes I forget…constantly learning. I hope you’ll take advantage of the “31 Days of Prayer” that I will post next week! Nothing difficult, just a simple guide to specific things to pray for considering our children’s hearts. Much love & blessings to you! :)
Beautiful Micah. I am going to pray those little shoes (or big ones in your case) all the way to Jesus’ feet – if I can. It feels good to know we can do something. I cheer on your encouraging and inspiring words from the Purposeful Faith #RaRalinkup.
Kelly, thanks for your encouraging comments! #writeon sister! #RaRalinkup so thankful for sweet sisters in Christ.
Amen, there is power in prayer! Thank you for sharing and for the prompt to be prayerful for our lil ones, Micah. :)
Tina, so happy to have connected with you! I think you will like the “31 Days of Prayer.” I would love your feedback after I post each week. Love & Blessings! :)
Hey Micah! This post bright a smile to my face today as I thought back about those moments with my son who is about to turn 15. And those ‘shoes’ are a size 15 now! He passed up his daddy’s size. But nothing increases you prayer life like having a teenager:) Everything you wrote about here is so true. We can’t control their thoughts or actions, but we can pray and let God guide them.
Kristine love your comments! Keep praying!! Love & Blessings! :)
Micah, I love your mother’s heart and the intentionality with which you parent. I’m so glad we had the chance to meet at She Speaks. I welcome the opportunity to stay connected and to keep reading your blog. Wishing you well in all you do. Darla Haas
Loved this Micah! God has used Psalm 46:10 over and over in my life as i parented our 3 children. I love the definition given of the first part of the verse for “Be still”. It means to cease striving. Boy did that hit home for how I felt as I carried the burden to parent. I understand how you feel and you are well on your way to persevere as God intends by rejecting the temptation to carry the burden. I was in my late thirties or early forties before I learned to cease my striving :) Bless you!
Stop stressing and start praying! Best parenting advice I’ve heard in a while. Thanks, Love!
Stop stressing and start praying. Great advice for allll areas of life. Whether you are a parent or not! Great post, my dear friend. Love and hugs to you!