Living With Purpose: Week 5

Week 1: Silent Seasons
Week 2: Seasons of Blessings
Week 3: Seasons to Stop
Week 4: Seasons of Uncertainty

And now for Week 5: Seasons When You Feel Shattered


As a teenage girl I knew what it felt like to feel shattered. On the first day of school, a boy who I really liked, asked me to go to the biggest event of the school year.

One day after lunch, he asked if we could talk. Right there in the middle of the lunch room he ripped out my heart and told me we would have more fun with other people.

What he said was probably true, but truth wrapped up in heartbreak still hurts. Maybe you know what it feels like to be dumped, or maybe your rejection runs much deeper and colder than a high school crush.

We all have seasons when our hearts feel shattered and bruised, broken.

How do you live with purpose when your heart hurts?

1. Learn about forgiveness. Notice I didn’t immediately say, Forgive! Forgiveness is a process. It’s a daily choice not to wish harm, hurt, revenge, or repayment for the harm done to you. It’s a decision to accept the facts and move forward without hard feelings. That’s hard. It really is. When someone hurts you, it’s not easy to just let it go, but we must be willing to learn about forgiveness and then forgive.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32 (ESV)

2. Follow the Father. When our hearts hurt we often focus on ourselves. We see our problems, our pain, and the way it affects our lives personally. It’s no wonder we get so self absorbed in our own issues. But there’s a better way to live, a purposeful way. When our eyes are on God and His perfection and holiness, we begin to see Him and His purpose instead of our own problems. That’s when we learn to follow Him.

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 (KJV)

3. Don’t fear the future. Living with purpose is hard when the the beat of hearts is pumping with rejection, and disappointment. We become disillusioned by expectation and desires we want so badly to work out the way we wanted. But when life is broken and heartache snatches away the one thing we thought we wanted, we begin to wonder, “What’s next?” It becomes hard to move forward and fear cripples us.

I love the way the Bible records the account of angels appearing to people. The angels always seem to share the same words, “Fear not or don’t be afraid!” I think our encounters with God are often the same. When my heart is wounded and I go to God for help, the words of the angels resound in my heart, “Fear not!” I love the way God records the verse in Isaiah in regards to fear:

“Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV)

We can live broken lives without living bound by fear. Living broken doesn’t make me terrified, it makes me trust God more.

I don’t know what has happened in your life, but I do know this – we are all broken. We’ve all experienced that feeling I felt in the lunch room of being rejected, unloved, and not quite good enough. But God, in the way that only He can, says,

“I forgive. You should too.”

“Follow Me.”

“Fear Not!”

Living with purpose seems so easy when we break it down. Even in the difficult seasons we can find the purpose we are seeking when we learn to forgive, follow, and stop living in fear.

What is God calling you to do today? Is there someone you must forgive? Or perhaps, it’s time to take a step of faith and follow where God is leading. Or maybe fear has gripped your heart and you’re finally ready to let God form your future.

Whatever God’s purpose is for you, He will make it clear. Don’t miss it! And go ahead. His way is always best.

Let’s live with purpose this week!

Share this with someone you love!

Love & Blessings,


Here is where I am sharing this post this week.

About Micah Maddox

Page with Comments

  1. Leigh Ellen says:

    This is excellent, friend! Thank you so much for these words!

    1. Great to hear from you this week! You’ve been on my mind! I hope you have a great week! Would love to catch up soon!

  2. Love this, Micah! Such a powerful, truth-filled post. I cling to Isaiah 41:10 often, and I appreciate starting my week with it in front of me today. Thanks for that! Have a blessed week!

    1. Julie, it’s one of my favorite verses! I hope you have a great week too!

  3. What a great post with so much wisdom and just at the right time. Thank you for sharing this, Micah!

    1. I’m so thankful for God’s timing!

  4. Don’t you just wish you could go back to that long ago cafeteria and tell that broken hearted girl that she wasn’t missing much after all?
    I especially love your thoughts on moving into the future unshackled from yesterday’s fears.

    1. Definitely wish I could. It’s so crazy how things that were so important and huge back in the day, seem so trivial now. I wish I could go back and tell myself to stop worrying so much about me and to keep me eyes on Jesus. That’s where I’ve found everything I really need.

  5. Micah, I love your ability to come alongside a hurt like this and lead us to His comfort. Happy Wednesday, from #TellHisStory

    1. Thanks, Meg! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are having a great week!

  6. Micah this is such a timely post for myself as I was hurt last night by someone I love. The tips you share are some of the same steps I’ve taken to let my Savior ease the pain. It still hurts but I know He will help me through. Thank you for these words of wisdom and comfort. I hope you have a fantabulos week and may God continue to richly bless you and yours.

    1. So thankful for God’s timing and I pray you find peace and comfort in the only place of true satisfaction.

  7. I love that you say “learn to forgive” because that’s so much more honest than “Forgive!”. For me, forgiveness is a process that takes time. Wise advice, Micah!

    1. Oh Sarah, I’m so glad you get me! Forgiveness is a continual thing for me. Just when I think I’ve conquered it, the enemy stirs up something in my heart and mind. And there I go again needing to forgive…

      1. This tip may help you…recently after a heated discussion with my husband, I wanted to nurse hurt feelings. But God called me to silently recite the prayer of confession I learned as a girl. I confessed MY sins in the argument, and it gave me immediate peace. This helped me forgive him faster because I saw we both needed it.

        1. It’s so funny you say that. Not really funny but timely. God was just impressing my heart to see my own faults first. When I do that, forgiveness comes so much easier. I love your heart, Sarah. I think we think a lot alike.

          1. Yes, for the years I’ve read your blog, I’ve thought the same thing. So glad we will have the chance to meet at She Speaks 2017!

  8. Ifeoma Samuel says:

    Hi Micah, I like this tips you have shared especially don’t fear the future.
    God has it all in control. Forgiveness is powerful. Thanks for touching the subject.
    Blessings to you

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