Loneliness, Loss, and Love
As we gathered yesterday to practice for our annual Christmas concert, there was another gathering going on not far from us. A group, who had lost someone they loved dearly, gathered to remember their loved one. The chair once filled with life and love, now sits as a reminder of loss.
If there’s an empty spot in your life, and you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the hype of the holidays, take time to be comforted with these thoughts about the reason for the season:
Jesus Christ came to:
*Comfort those who cry
*Heal those who hurt
*Love those who are lonely
*Lift those who are low
*Adopt those who are abandoned
*Calm those who are crazy
*Justify those who are judged
*Forgive those who fall
*Deliver those who are detained
*Redeem those who are rejected
*Give life to those who are lost
*Give meaning to the mess
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:16-18 (KJV)
It’s in this season that we often feel the sting of loss and loneliness more than any other time of the year. If you are feeling lonely or you know someone who is, let’s remind each other of the real reason for the season. Oh, I know that we know, but sometimes it is good to remember and recall all God has done for us.
It’s not about presents, or wreaths, or the perfect centerpiece. It’s about the King of Kings who lowered himself from His Holy throne in heaven to come and redeem us from the sin of the world. It’s not about family gatherings and fun, although I do love being with my family. It is about my Heavenly Father who was faithful in sending His only son, Jesus, and is faithful now by filling me with His Spirit every single day.
We will experience loss in this life. We will have heartache and pain, but when we have Jesus, we can know the peace that passes understanding and the comfort of His presence.
It doesn’t make life perfect or take away every tear, but it brings tears of thanksgiving, tears of joy, and tears of indescribable peace in the midst of difficult circumstances of life.
As I watch my dad battle cancer, I’m in awe. The peace that surrounds his soul radiates from his face. Although he is experiencing radiation daily that destroys and hurts terribly, the radiating light from his soul delivers and heals wholly. When Jesus’ love shines through us, people see it and feel it in their souls. His example of living patiently in tribulation overwhelms me and compels me to let my light shine brighter.
No matter how much loss you’ve experienced, or how painful your circumstances are right now, let your light radiate from the depths of your soul.
Jesus is more powerful than the pain of this world.
As we look toward Christmas with all that we still need to do, don’t miss the miracle. It’s not about a Christmas program or a perfect dinner party. It’s about the life-transforming power of God’s presence. No matter how dark your life seems right now, let Jesus shine! He will outdo the darkest night.
Love & Blessings,
Merry Christmas! Share this with someone you love!