More of God’s Presence – Week 1
In this series we will walk through Psalm 23 together. If you desire to experience God’s presence in a deeper way, you are going to love this series!
WEEK 1: My Shepherd
I began my prayer with a list that saturated my thoughts:
“Dear Heavenly Father,
I need this.
I need that.
If you would just clarify that one thing, and if you could just take care of that other situation.
If you could give me a sign that would be great.
I really need to know what to do and when to do it.
Please heal him.
Please help her.
Please comfort them.”
And on and on I went when suddenly an awkward silence came between me and my Maker. Before I could go on, I felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit within me. Knowing He was speaking to my heart, I leaned in close and listened. The words that came were truth wrapped up with a beautiful bow of love.
He said, “I am all you need. Stop begging me to do what I have already done.”
Hushed, convicted, and corrected, I sighed heavily. I knew He was right, but I didn’t know any other way to go about submitting my requests. His Word says to come boldly in time of need, so I did. He says He hears the cry of His children, so I cried. I sincerely wanted Him to answer my every need. I truly thought by speaking the words, I would receive answers. The answers I received were much greater than I could have ever asked for.
When He spoke to my heart, I suddenly saw my needs through a different lens. Rather than telling God what I needed, I began to express to God all that He was to me.
“Oh Holy God of Heaven and Earth,
You are mighty!
You are holy!
There is no one greater than you.
I know you are able.
I know you are the Comforter and Great Physician.
Thank you for loving me and giving sight in the dark times of life.
Thank you for making yourself known to me when I am insecure, and so needy.
Thank you for loving my faltering flesh.
Thank you for doing what only you can do.
God, You are truly amazing!”
I often run to God in my times of need and I begin to spout off my list of needs and wants. I sometimes tell Him what I really think as if He doesn’t already know.
Yes, I still want healing for my friend. Yes, I still want God to work out every little detail of life, but rather than asking Him to take the reigns, I’m learning to remember He already holds them. When I treat Him with the respect and praise that He is due, His presence overwhelms me in a new way.
Oh how the Comforter comforts His child when His child crawls up in His lap!
Oh how the Shepherd guides His sheep when the sheep submit to His security!
Oh how the Lord lavishly loves His people when His people lavishly love Him!
If you feel like your prayers are a list of needs that never get answered, consider the source to whom you lift your prayers.
God’s Presence is my greatest need! When I realize and I lean in close I suddenly find rest in His sweet embrace. Nothing compares and suddenly I need nothing.
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23:1
If you are in a desperate place of need, God’s presence is more powerful than any problem you will ever experience. Psalm 23:1 tells us He fills the deepest need in our souls. No matter how dark, lonely, afraid, or confused you are, The Lord is the Good Shepherd and His Presence is enough. It’s not that life will be perfect or even good, but in God’s presence His children have need of nothing more. It’s not that you won’t feel pain or ever be afraid, but you will experience His comfort and know the power of His calming presence.
So run to Him, cling to Him, and tell Him not what you need, but how He is all you need.
I would love to hear how God has sustained you in a time of need, or if you are currently walking through a needy circumstance share it with us in the comments so we can pray for you.
Love & Blessings,
Here’s where I am sharing this post this week!
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Such a great post to explain the value of listening to God’s Word and not always listening to ourselves. Sometimes the noise from our mouths overshadow the voice of the Almighty. Great encouragement to stop and listen. Your neighbor at Soul Survivor!
Isn’t crazy how we think we know it all and go to God without even thinking to listen. Oh how I want to hear the voice of the Almighty!
Like a deer thirstest for the water so my soul thirstest after Him. God is there. When you know you cannot make it without Him. He is there. He at times feels like an arua around me. Protection and love of my Heavenly Father. Such a need.
Yes! I pray I always have a thirsty soul for God and His presence.
What I need is more of Him! Yes!
Thank you, Micah, for a wonderful reminder!♡
You are so welcome! And thank you for dropping in!
I am in the midst of learning to live life with chronic illness. Before, I was always the wife, mom, and professional who could do it all. Now……? Thank you for this lesson as I have asked God for many many things lately….but what I need is simply Him. I need to trust His plan and crawl into Hos lap and rest and wait for the next chapter that He will provide.
Ashley, I’m so sorry for what you are dealing with. Sounds like quite a difficult time. I pray you will find the rest you so desire. God will make a way when there seems to be no way.
Struggling with many things and like many, want to see an end. Five years ago this Wednesday, my mom (now 89 yrs old) suffered a severe stroke. She was completely disable from the stroke and lives in adult foster care (in our state it is a home that is where up to 5 people are cared for. A wonderful Christian couple care for her and the others). She is 4 hours away from me and I make daytrips to see her 2 or 3 times a month. I know I am doing the right thing, it’s just hard. I am the youngest of 3, but the one responsible for all the details of her life. Last year my son (one and only kiddo) graduated from college, got married, and moved across the country to North Carolina (we are in Oregon). Much change all over and I am weary. Hanging on to the LORD, but feeling like I am fighting to keep my head up and my eyes looking up.
Oh Margaret! I’m so sorry to hear about your sweet mom. I know that has got to be so hard! And then to have your son move away too. Such difficult changes you are going through! I will pray for you today! Keep seeking and relying on the Lord for strength. I’ve found that in some of those difficult times when it seemed like I would sink to the bottom, I found God’s presence more dear than ever before. I pray you sense Him near.
Thank you………your prayers are important to me. (sorry I just saw this today, April 25).
Dear Margaret, I lift you in prayer. I understand the caregiving role as I cared for my Mama for 15 years as she lived in three places (but in my town after I moved her from California). She graduated downhill as she took turns for the worse so had to move her to the right facility for her conditions.
Please come to Being Woven and look at the top where the page “Giving Care God’s Way.” I have written much from my experience.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
Your encouragement is so very important to me, as others do not “get” it. But I now HE does. Just hard to not rely on feelings. I will look at Being Woven :) Sorry I did not see your comment until today (April 25).
Dear Micah…oh how this speaks to me. He is all we need. He is our Shepherd and will lead us into the best pasture for today. I am writing on sheep and shepherds these past few weeks and am learning so very much! Your words have added more and I pray with you to the Only One we need and should want.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
How lovely to hear that you are studying something similar. I love when God does that! Thank you for your sweet testimony, Linda.
Micah, this post is indeed as refreshing as the still waters that will come a bit later in this Psalm. Thanks so much for the intimate sharing of your own relationship with Him. This reminds me of some of my own experiences with Him and how I need to never be so busy or rushed not to take time to truly enter into Him. Happy to be your neighbor at the Linkup at A Field of Wild Flowers.
Oh how delightful to think of the still waters! Can’t wait to share more about that with you, Pam! I’m so glad you stopped by!
Micah, Joining you today from Intentional Tuesday, and I’m so glad I did! What a beautiful, needed word for me today. Seeking His presence, and longing for Him has been on my heart of late. Wonderful encouragement here that He is all I need! Thank you!
Ellen, thank you for dropping by. Continue seeking His sweet presence.
Yes! I often forget that God doesn’t need my laundry list–he needs me to acknowledge that he is all I need and worthy of praise.
In the time of my deepest darkness, it was knowledge and experience of God’s presence that gave me hope and comfort. Lovely post. Lovely truth. :-)
How wonderful to hear, Calista! Thank you for reading!
God as shepherd is definitely one of my favorite images! This is beautiful. Looking forward to the rest of the series.
Thanks, Michele! You are a constant encouragement to me!
Just as the Lord blesses us with new insights when we read a Bible verse that we may have many times before; I am also seeing what a blessing it is to read precious blog posts such as this and the new light and insights shed on familiar subjects. In this case, Psalm 23, probably the most familiar psalm, yet you showed the light of Christ through that very first verse in such a profound and encouraging way!
I found myself re-reading what the Lord spoke to your heart, “He said, “I am all you need. Stop begging me to do what I have already done.” O what incredible peace washed over me as I read those words. Your prayer in response helped to clarify further this profound insight.
It has been such a blessing to visit here today. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us what the Lord laid on your heart so that we too can find encouragement and peace in the presence of God.
How beautiful! Thank you, Karen for your lovely insight!
I love this Micah! God’s presence is truly my greatest need. Great truth here. So glad you shared this.
Laura, I love to see you here!
What a great reminder to keep focused on God when we are struggling, and not our struggles themselves. Its all about Him, simple as that! #livefreethursday
More of God’s presence is all i desire everyday,,The Holy Spirit helps to makes life easy…With His direction i know i am safe…Thank you Micah and God bless!
The Holy Spirit is our ever present helper and comfort. I’m so thankful for that! Thanks for stopping by, Mary!