More of God’s Presence: Week 7 – You Are Invited

Week 1: The Shepherd
Week 2: Green Grass
Week 3: Still Waters
Week 4: Restoration
Week 5: My Worth
Week 6: The Valley
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Psalm 23:5(ESV)
Just beyond the valley of life lies a fork in the road. One road is the narrow way where enemies lurk at every turn; the other road looks broad, a bit easier and seems to beckon with it’s lush green grass and roomy path. It seems obvious the path to walk, but something deep inside tells me to take the narrow path.
I know the path God has prepared for me, but it’s hard to walk the narrow way. I stand gazing, evaluating, and wondering if there is an easier way to get to where I’m going. When I think about the journey, I hear a still small voice say: “I am with you.”
Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me. Psalm 23:4
I continue walking and just beyond the turn I see the most elegant table scape with colorful fresh flowers, pressed linen napkins, perfectly shined silver, and the most exquisite China I have ever seen. I stop to admire the table when I notice the name card.
Thinking there must be a mistake, I look again with squinted eyes to be sure I’m reading correctly, and I realize the table is prepared for me. There’s one other seat around the other side of the table. I circle the table to see who else is invited.
On my journey I’ve picked up lots of baggage and I’m filthy. I’m unfit to sit at such a beautiful table. My clothes are not my best and I’m bound to get the table linens dirty. My hands, they need to be washed, and I’m not ready to sit with Jesus. As I think through all the reasons why I shouldn’t stay, I hear the Shepherd say, “I saved you a seat.”
He approaches my seat and pours out the most precious oil of favor and grace. He tells me that no matter what I bring to the table I am welcome to stay. He looks beyond my dirty hands and weathered clothing. He picks up my baggage and tells me he will carry it the rest of the journey.
He gives me love and comfort and His mercy is so extravagant I cannot comprehend the volume of it. Tears, overwhelming tears fill my eyes as I admire the Shepherd.
Why would He sit with me?
I cannot understand why He would save me a seat. I don’t deserve it. But over and over He does. Every time I open the Word of God He prepares a table for me. We break bread together and He speaks to me. He tells me where I need to make things right and how to stay on the narrow way.
He reminds me that even though there will be enemies in my path, He will always save me a seat at the table.
He says pull up your chair and stay a while. When I do, my cup runs over with the blessings of His love. It’s amazing! There are no words to express His presence.
All of us who have believed in Jesus have a seat at the table. Maybe at some point along the path you’ve pushed away from the table, feeling less than favored, or perhaps your cup seemed to dry up. Wherever you are on this journey of life, your seat is reserved. The bread of life and the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit’s favor are waiting with your name card.
If you stand at the fork in the road just beyond the valley and feel like you can’t take the narrow path, just remember the table is already set. It’s perfectly prepared for you in spite of what you bring along with you. When you meet the host of the banquet, you’ll be in awe. And the food will satisfy the deepest hunger of your soul.
Don’t push away from the table. Straighten your chair and tuck your legs in tight. Bow your head and listen as the Lord gives the blessing. You are the honored guest. You are welcome and you are accepted in the family of God. Pull up your chair and receive the favor.
I imagine a lot of empty chairs with name cards that have been sitting for quite a while. If you long for acceptance, love, and a companion, there’s no greater relationship than the relationship between a human being and God Himself. He’s waiting and has a seat reserved with your name on it.
Sit with Him a while. Listen. And let the precious ointment of His presence wash over your soul. It’s breathtaking and more beautiful than I could ever describe. Sit at the table for yourself, baggage and all. Your seat is reserved.
Love & Blessings,
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I love to enjoy God’s presence, the amazing part is that He loves mine. He loves to be with me. Now that’s mind boggling!
Such a beautiful picture of the Father heart of God. Visiting from #mommymoments today :)
so beautiful going on this journey with you to the seat at the table with Jesus..really made me think not only about how I don’t sometimes feel fit to have such a seat, but what about all those outcasts He invites and welcomes. Jesus is surely the host that teaches us we’re all welcome I see why lives are changed, turned upside down, inside out..purified, cleansed..loved. Beautiful post. Visiting from #smallwonder today!
I love this, Micah. Wow, do I feel unworthy so often. But, that’s not at all what qualifies us as His. Our powerful God is the awe striking definition of love. It’s humbling and freeing at the same time. Great post!
Happy Monday, from the Soul Survival link up.
What beautiful imagery of Psalm 23 Micah! Thank you for sharing this encouragement on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)
Beautiful imagery here Micah of our Good Shepherd! Knowing the table is prepared for us already is such inspiration and motivation to follow his path. Psalm 23 has been there for me in my darkest hours. i will trust God in everything as I look forward to His continued care and undeserved blessings. What a poignant series for Psalm 23. I will be sharing this on my Inspiration page. Have a wonderful week and blessings to you and yours.
PS-glad I was able to get through here today. Your link was not working earlier this morning.