Problems, Problems Go Away!

When it rains, it pours! Especially when it comes to problems in life. It never fails. Just as soon as one thing goes wrong, a series of difficult circumstances seem to follow.
Ever been there?
Why is it that problems always seem to come in sets of three?
Strike 1!
Strike 2!
And by the time strike 3 hits, you’re already walking to the dugout.
Sometimes I brace myself and think, “What’s going to happen next?”
Or just when I think I can’t take one more thing…boom! The roof caves in.
It’s just the way life goes.
We all have problems that hit us when we least expect it. Sometimes we try to pretend like everything is fine and we suffer in silence thinking no one else experiences problems like we do.
The longer I live, the more I’m learning that WE ALL HAVE PROBLEMS! There are just a whole lot of us that don’t post our problems on Facebook. We filter and clean up the mess before we post anything to make sure we present the image we want people to see.
I’m sure you have your own problems and seasons of torrential downpour. Maybe you are even in the middle of one right now. Perhaps this was the week when you finally threw your hands up in the air and asked God why He hasn’t answered your prayer or fixed your problem.
For some of us, our problems look like loss, loneliness, and the need to be loved. For others, problems reveal themselves through crazy relationships, family chaos, or a constant cycle of unfortunate events.
I could share my own issues and problems, but then you might feel sorry for me. And I don’t want a pity party. So we’ll keep moving.
Instead, what I want to share with you is what God is teaching me about living in peace when problems persist. And trust me, I know what it’s like to have a few problems.
How in the world do we grasp peace,
when our lives are filled to the brim with problems?
It’s a complicated question to answer and I would never claim to have all the answers. But God continues to answer my questions about peace. And I think, if you’ll listen closely to Him, He will answer your questions too.
The more I learn about living in peace, the more I get to know Jesus. It’s not because I’m a super spiritual girl who has a special speed dial button to the throne room of God, but it’s because God in all His grace and mercy reveals Himself so clearly when I seek Him with all my heart.
God’s Word is the place I go when my problems pile up. When I can’t seem to understand this world, God gives me the answer through His Word – Jesus.
When problems pursue me and peace seems hard to find, God is teaching me to pursue Jesus more.
It sounds too simple, doesn’t it?
Pursue Jesus?
What does that even mean?
It means when I don’t know where to turn and I’m at the end of my rope, I let go of the rope and trust Jesus to catch me when I fall. It means I stop fighting my circumstances, and start trusting Jesus and His divine direction for my life. It means I don’t try to “help” God by working out my problems and scheming with my own brilliant ideas. It means I open up my heart to the one who resides in it and I stop holding captive the pieces of my heart that hurt, or seem too hard to deal with.
Peace isn’t about fewer problems, it’s about knowing the person of peace more.
When I look to Jesus,
He proves His peace to me.
This doesn’t mean He always fixes my problems and makes the pain and pressure go away, but it means He proves His presence and provides my needs.
When we begin to see peace in the place of our problem, we begin to learn more about the power of God. We get to know Jesus.
God’s peace isn’t bottled up and sealed for special occasions. God’s peace is present when we are willing to see it. So look for it! Seek it! Search for it with everything in your being!
God’s Word says, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
Do you believe it?
Do you trust God’s Word as truth? Can peace really be found?
It’s time to turn your back on your troubles and start pursuing peace.
Let’s not wallow in our problems this week.
Get up! And look to Jesus! His peace is perfect! He is the peace you are looking for.
Do you know real peace?
There’s only one place to find it – Jesus.
Love & Blessings,
If you missed the other posts in this series you can find them here:
Week 1 – Peace in the Unknown
Week 2 – What If I Fail?
Week 3 – This Is Not What I Planned
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It does sound so simple. I was talking with some other women a few days ago and sensed they didn’t grasp this concept. I think you can only understand how simple it really is if you’ve done it before. Otherwise it all sounds like crazy christian-ease… Blessings!
It’s that child-like faith. I think once we give in to the conviction of the Holy Spirit that’s when we start to “get it”. Before that it’s definitely battle ground for the enemy. Even after we’ve had victory in this area, the devil stills works hard to get us to doubt the peace we know we’ve found. God is the one who opens eyes and hearts to His message. And yes, before you’ve experienced I’m sure it sounds a bit foreign. Praying for open hearts to receive the peace we’ve found. Hugs!
So thankful for the peace we find in Jesus! One of my favorite Bible passages on peace comes from Philippians 4, where I’m reminded to take all my problems to God in prayer. He then promises to exchange my prayers for His peace. What a blessing!!
Have a great week!
I love that passage too! So comforting. You have a great week too!
love these wise words and no matter what kind of challenges we have, when we turn back to Jesus we know all will be well! Love this “It means when I don’t know where to turn and I’m at the end of my rope, I let go of the rope and trust Jesus to catch me when I fall”. What a gift we have been given. Thank you for your beautiful words here today. visiting from next door at #TestimonyTuesday! I wrote about abiding today so your post speaks more deeply to the blessings we receive when we turn to Jesus!
Visiting you from RaRa linkup. This is so true. Thee Lord meets us in the midst of our problems. He hears our fears, worries, and needineess and responds to us. He says “Peace. Be still.” Just like He did to the sea. If He can calm the raging sea, He can calm the fear in me, or the worry, or whatever it is. We only need to remember He is with us. Thanks for sharing this. May your soul be refreshed in the Prince of Peace.
This last year I have been counseling with my Pastor every Tuesday, created a prayer closet, read scripture almost daily, and finished my bible front to back for the first time. I really have a difficult time “hearing or feeling” his presence. I feel like I am trying with my whole heart but falling short somehow. I am certainly struggling with the peace in spite of my circumstances so I continually pray for the Lord to reveal himself and his desire for my life and to change my perspective. I feel like Nemo, just keep swimming right?