Tags: broken, children, encouragement, faith, forgiveness, hope, relationships
Dealing With Past Pain
When tragedy, trial, or trauma invades a child’s life at the most tender of ages, it is destined to leave a mark. Some people hope that their loved ones will never have to experience the same things they have. For others, the only life they know is warped, complicated, and abusive. Unfortunately, in many cases, generational sin continues with more abuse, anger, and outrageous behavior. But thankfully, there are some who have escaped the cycle of sin in spite of the life they coped with as a little one. My childhood did include wonderful memories, but it also included rejection
School Year Prayers from a Mama’s Heart – February
Love is difficult to define to a child or anyone really. While the world sells love in red lipstick, smooth skin, an hour-glass figure, and luscious eye lashes, we know real love has nothing to do with appearance or performance. Although we know this in our minds, sometimes our actions speak otherwise. We praise our children for great performances. We post the highlights of their accomplishments and we rally behind them as they do well in school, sports, and other activities. There is nothing wrong with cheering on our kids. I think it’s necessary and even appropriate. But if we
When It’s Hard to Wait
I dropped to my knees again with tears rolling down my face and no words to pray. I wanted to beg God to answer me, hear me, get back with me, or at least send me a sign so I would know He was hearing me. There was no sign, no miracle in the mailbox, no special verse that kept showing up, and no answer. Sometimes it’s hard to wait on God. I know He holds the power to do anything at anytime, but when things seem undone, physically impossible, or difficult to understand, I struggle to see beyond the
When It’s Hard to Trust
Sometimes it is hard to trust. You know that ultimately God is in control, but in the raw moments of the day it is hard to see His hand. You try to convince yourself that everything will turn out fine, but the truth is you really don’t know. As you try to press forward, your mind is consumed with the struggle at hand. You want to see beyond the trial and move ahead with a positive outlook, but your thoughts of what might be bombard your mind. It makes your heart beat a little faster and your stomach ache in
Hope for Depression During Holidays
I am not a doctor or counselor, and I do not share this to give medical or physical advice, but if you are struggling with depression, or know someone who is, I hope this will be an encouragement. I have shared some of my own experience in past articles. You can find them HERE. While this is supposed to be a week filled with wonder and delightful gatherings, many will suffer in silence, be alone and feel misunderstood by even those closest to them. There is really no good verbal explanation for the way a depressed person truly feels. You
5 Steps to a Calm Christmas
The hustle and bustle is upon us. The December calendar is filled to the brim with Christmas pageants, programs, parties, and shopping. Crazy people everywhere are rushing here and there decking halls and singing fa-la-la-la-la. It makes me twitch a little. I love Christmas, but the pace seems to get crazier and crazier every year. I like the slow parts. I like to inhale and smell the comforting scent of cinnamon and apple spice. I like to sit by the Christmas tree and watch the ornaments glisten and dazzle. I like to gather around a table and enjoy laughter and