Tags: christianity, encouragement, faith, Fear, Health Problems, hope, motherhood, Peace, stress, worry
Why Worry?
Worry is not desirable, yet I often choose it, even fight for it. I actually despise the feeling I get deep in my gut when something is disturbing my normal. It’s hard to articulate exactly what ignites this feeling. Sometimes it only takes a word, a sight, a smell or a sound to bring up memories of past problems that make me feel physically ill. The feelings of worry are familiar. I don’t want to feel this way, but I don’t know how to escape. If I could break free from worry I would feel so much better. The weight
31 Days of Prayer – Week 1
This is a follow-up post to “Let God Fill the Shoes.” “As I felt the burden of raising my children, it’s as if God told me to stop stressing over my parenting skills and start praying for them more.” “31 Days of Prayer” began as a simple way to pray for one specific thing in my children’s lives each day. While I know I should pray for my children regularly, I often end up crying out when I am frustrated as a parent or when things start to get bumpy. God convicted my heart that rather than stressing over their
Let God Fill the Shoes
It was just yesterday that I was cuddling a tiny bundle of sweet baby in a soft cushion of preciousness. He cooed, cuddled and admired my every move. He’s still a little one these days, but he walks, talks and makes other noises on purpose that we won’t discuss. He seems to change every day. He came into the kitchen hollering, Mommy! Mommy! Look at me! I turned to give him my split attention between cooking, cleaning up, listening to my oldest practicing the piano and a long list of things that filled my mind in that moment. But when
God is Faithful…

God is faithful, God is right, Everything that I do, He’s my guiding light. God is holy, God is true, In all that I go through, He is there too. God is peaceful, God is strong, No matter how hard it seems, He’s never wrong. God is gracious, God is kind, Every thought that I’m thinking, He sees my mind. God is mighty, God is love, Every step that I’m taking, He’s watching from above. God is righteous, God is great, Every journey I’m walking, He keeps my path straight. God is proven, God is truth, Every day I can
I can still smell the warm apple pie, fresh fudge, Italian cream cake and other goodies that my grandmother whipped up just for us. She had the softest apron and could cook everything better than anybody. There was just something about going to Grandma’s house. The smells stick with me to this day and if I get a whiff of something that reminds me of her, my heart longs to see her unforgettable face. And oh could she make some faces that would send everyone around into spontaneous laughter. As she got older she began experiencing mini strokes and was
Childlike Love
Love. Everyone wants to be loved. I often challenge my children to find the good in each other and express their love for one another through words and actions. One morning we began with the simple challenge, “Tell us why you love each member of our family.” As my turn came to receive the love, each child chimed in with their replies about me, Mom. The first one hit me in the deepest part of my heart and helped me remember how important my role as “mom” is in their precious little lives. In her sweet, little voice she said, “Mom, I