Tags: broken, christianity, encouragement, faith, Fear, Health Problems, hope, motherhood, Peace, stress, worry
10 Things Not to Say to a Depressed Woman
If you missed the series HOPE FOR THE DEPRESSED WOMAN you can find the links here: Week 1: Slow Down Week 2: Breaking the Silence Week 3: Medication or Meditation Week 4: Triggers and Tips for Success Week 5: Running Away Sounds Divine It can be difficult to know what to say to someone who is hurting. It complicates things even more if the person does not want help or does not realize what is wrong. Although your first reaction might be to set them straight and give them a pep talk, there are a few things to avoid saying
Hope for the Depressed Woman: Week 4 – Triggers and Tips for Success
Welcome to Week 4 of Hope for the Depressed Woman. If you missed the first few posts of this series you can view them here – Week 1: Slow Down, Week 2: Breaking the Silence, and Week 3: Medication or Meditation. Throughout this series I am sharing my personal experience with depression and the things I learned along the way. I don’t share this to glorify myself or to give medical or physical advice (I’m not a doctor or counselor), but I share from a deep place of my heart that once ached with feelings that I could not understand.
Hope for the Depressed Woman: Week 3 – Medication or Meditation
Welcome to Week 3 of Hope for the Depressed Woman. If you missed the first two posts of this series you can view them here – Week 1: Slow Down and Week 2: Breaking the Silence. Throughout this series I am sharing my personal experience with depression and the things I learned along the way. I don’t share this to glorify myself or to give medical or physical advice (I’m not a doctor or counselor), but I share from a deep place of my heart that once ached with feelings that I could not understand. God has freed me from
Hope for the Depressed Woman: Week 1
I am excited to start a new series this week! For the next few weeks I will be sharing my personal experience with depression. I don’t share this to glorify myself or to give medical or physical advice (I’m not a doctor or counselor), but I share from a deep place of my heart that once ached with feelings that I could not understand. God has freed me from depression and I hope sharing my personal experience will encourage you if you have struggled in this area of life. Depression: Week 1 – SLOW DOWN I hung up the phone
When Life Is Falling Apart: Cling to Jesus
There are moments in life that are so devastating there are no words to utter. You see people surround you and their lips are moving, but the words cannot be absorbed. You try to move forward with a normal routine, but the world seems to move in slow motion as you walk in a trance giving your best effort to press on. Life can hurt deeply. It can scar the tender parts of your heart and make you feel like life is completely out of your control. The truth is, it is. Life is not ours to control. Life is
When I Cannot See Tomorrow

I can’t see tomorrow. Sometimes it’s exciting. Other times it’s down right terrifying. If I had known about the health issues then I could have prepared for the future. If I had known about the car accident I would have taken a different route. If I had known about my child’s problems at school I would have considered my options. If I had known about this, and if I had known about that before it happened, life would be so much easier. Life is unknown. We can plan, prepare and manipulate our lives, but there will always be things that