God, Are You Going to Show Up for Me?

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God, Are You Going to Show Up for Me?

I pull the covers back over my head and take a deep breath. So many things to do and so many errands to run, but the desire to get moving has escaped me. I wonder if God is going to show up for me. I nuzzle back into the comfortable place on the bed and wait for the alarm to buzz. I close my eyes and as soon as my body relaxes, buzz, buzz, buzz. I reach for the phone only moving my arm and feel for the snooze button until the sound stops and I relax again.  I never

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Find Real Peace Today

Find Real Peace Today

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Overwhelm and How to Deal With It

Sometimes the struggles of life take us under and sweep us away into unknown depths we’ve never experienced. How do you deal with overwhelm? You want to be strong, have faith, and smile through the storm, but tears, unknowns, and difficult scenarios bombard your mind faster than your faith can respond.  We all have those seasons. For some it’s the loss of a loved one who seemed to hold the family together, for others it’s separation in a relationship that held on for years. Perhaps it’s the words of a doctor that swirl inside your heart until you cannot handle another

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When Life Makes You Doubt

When the winds of life are blowing out of control, it’s difficult to see beyond what lies directly ahead. Sometimes the trials that loom seem insurmountable. What do you do when life makes you doubt? I’ve seen my share of wind and waves, and I know what it’s like to be knocked down and feel like I am nearly drowning by the heaviness of life.  I don’t know about you, but when it comes to storms and trials I’m so much like Peter.  I start out determined to have faith.  I want to take big strides toward God and make it

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Hope for the Worn Out Mom

You know those moments in life when you really want to be nice, kind, and encouraging to the people nearest and dearest to you, but due to your level of exhaustion or the hormones that seem to be a bit unpredictable, you lash out?  No?  You don’t have those moments?  Me either.  Actually I have had many moments.  I start out with really good intentions. I get up early, drink enough coffee to give even the most exhausted elephant energy and I convince myself that I’m going to be upbeat, fun, and pleasant. By the time breakfast is on the

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When Life Feels Impossible

Have you ever felt like life is simply impossible? The things that are marching hard and loud into your life appear too big, too bad, and the hope of help feels out of reach. What do you do when life feels impossible? I’ve been there more times than I can count. But on one particular day the worry over my current battle wounded my heart. It felt like God wasn’t helping me. I stood in my bathroom crying tears of frustration for the third day in a row. I struggled in my mind if it was just hormonal or if my

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