When You Question Your Calling

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When You Question Your Calling

Have you ever felt like God was telling you to do something amazing; but, before you could translate a clear message, you talk yourself out of the calling and convince yourself that you must have heard God all wrong? Doubt sets in and questions and fears take over your mind. “But what will people say?” “What if they don’t agree with me?” “What if they think I’m crazy?” “What if they misunderstand my motive and heart behind what I’m doing?” “What if no one agrees?” “What if no one supports my decisions?” So maybe I’m the only one who has

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Is Jesus Really Enough?

Sometimes it is hard to know how to process the big missing puzzle pieces of life. What is a person to do when a tragic accident takes a loved one much too soon? When illness creeps in and threatens the sanity of everything normal, how do you move forward? When a woman is finally blessed with a child in her womb and then hears the words, “No heartbeat.” What then? How do we gain enough strength, enough peace, enough grace to make it through? With Jesus. When your heart is trembling and falling completely apart sometimes, the last thing you

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Pray for Cyrus

Sometimes things in life happen that we cannot understand. When illness hits, it can be heartbreaking and terrifying all in the same moment. We try to be strong, press on, and make the best of the life that lies before us, but sometimes life seems to be put on hold while we wait for test results, reactions to medications and the doctor’s short-term and long-term plans. A dear friend of mine recently received the difficult news that her precious five-year-old son has Leukemia. Immediately the things in life that seemed big now look very small. The problems that filled our

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Hope in Hard Times: The 1 Question We All Want Answered

There are times in life when questions flood our minds and the only clarity visible is the biggest question of all – Why? The answers that do come seem like they will never completely satisfy the deep agony and heartache that accompanies the current crisis. I have had some hard conversations with God in my life. I have asked Him questions and waited anxiously for answers that I desperately longed for. Many times I struggle to understand why in the world things happen the way they do. Here is what God is teaching me as I look back on days

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School Year Prayers From A Mama’s Heart – October

If you missed the other posts in this series you can find them here: August September Moms are famous for being multitasking masters. I mean who else can cook a hot meal, feed a baby, help with homework, talk to a friend on the phone, wipe a bottom, write a blog and mop the floor all at the same time. Moms just have a special knack for getting things done. I used to feel a sense of pride when I did a hundred things at once. It made me feel like the super woman I wanted to be, but the

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Mommy Moments Link Up

Welcome to Mommy Moments! We hope you all had a week filled with wonderful memories!  I have enjoyed getting to know all the new mamas linking up and sharing their lives with us! I can’t wait to hear more from you all again this week! Motherhood has its seriousness and frustration as well as its laughs. That’s why we are here. Life is much easier when traveled with companions! So mamas, let’s join together in the spirit of motherhood and share our moments together. We want to hear the happy, sad, tough, terrible, hilarious moments that make being a mother

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