Cultivating Calmness in the Car

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Cultivating Calmness in the Car

If you missed the last couple weeks of this series you can find the links here: Cultivating Calmness: Turn Down the Noise Cultivating Calmness: 1 Simple Step to Calmer Mornings I watched as my husband carefully loaded the car seat into the car and latched it into place. Our newborn baby was already fussing and I was exhausted. The sounds that were coming from my precious little one nearly sent me into a panic attack as I wondered how in the world I was going to care for this new life. She screamed the entire way home. I unbuckled the

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Mommy Moments Link Up

Welcome to Mommy Moments! We hope you all had a week filled with wonderful memories!  I have enjoyed getting to know all the new mamas linking up and sharing their lives with us! I can’t wait to hear more from you all again this week! We are excited to be adding in a new co-host this week, Micah from Deeper Life Today! Make sure you stop by to welcome her as the newest member of our team! Motherhood has its seriousness and frustration as well as its laughs. That’s why we are here. Life is much easier when traveled with

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Cultivating Calmness: 1 Simple Step to Calmer Mornings

If you missed last week’s post about Cultivating Calmness you can view it HERE. I am not the master of calm mornings, but I have been the creator of completely chaotic ones. I guess you could say, I have learned the hard way what not to do in the morning when children need to be fed, dressed and sent out the door for school. But all things should be done decently and in order. I Corinthians 14:40(ESV) Let’s be honest, early mornings and children do not always go smoothly. If you add in a tired, irritable mom, you will have

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Silent Stealers of Joy: Good Intentions & Guilt

After a long day of mothering, wife-ing, friending, loving, helping, caring, cooking, cleaning, shopping and everything else-ing, I snuggle into my bed and the thoughts of what I should have done differently begin. My thoughts parade through my mind like a slide show highlighting the little things I forgot to do or say. I think of how I should have answered my friend differently or stopped what I was doing to make that needed phone call. I remember the way I rushed my husband out the door so that I would have more time, only to kick myself when I

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Cultivating Calmness: Turn Down the Noise of Life

There is something relaxing about the sound of God’s creation reacting to the ebbs and flows of nature. I enjoy the enchanting sound of birds chirping, rain falling on the roof and leaves as they rustle in the cool breeze of fall. Too often life seems to drowned out the simple sounds that God created. The noise of life bombards our lives and it takes major effort to lower the volume of life. How do we turn down the volume of life when life does not slow down, shut down or stop? Here are a few simple ideas. 1. Limit

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What If God Does Not Answer My Prayer?

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. I John 5:14 (NIV) Breathing deeply, I prayed the same prayer I had prayed for weeks. “Lord, please give me an answer.” I could not understand why God would not answer my prayer. My husband, who had been perfectly healthy, was suddenly in a hospital bed surrounded by perplexed doctors. If the doctors could find the problem maybe they could begin treatment. I desperately wanted to know what was wreaking havoc on my soulmate’s body. I prepared myself for

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