Tags: encouragement, faith, hope, Peace
What is Holding You Back?
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25 It was clear. I heard God’s voice. I knew I should take the next step, but I was afraid. Fear cripples me and tells me lies. Fear pins me to the floor and says things like: You are not capable. You will never succeed. It is too difficult. People will laugh at you. There are others more qualified. The task is too big for you. Your strength will fail. It does not make sense. I stand face to face with
7 Psalms for the Depressed Woman
Two years ago, I shared a series titled, “Hope for the Depressed Woman.” I received an overwhelming amount of messages and comments about the series. I am posting the links below for easy access, but also I have a special gift I want to offer you. It’s a short collection of my favorite Psalms that I know will encourage your heart if you are walking through a difficult season. All you have to do is enter your email below. If you are already subscribed, you will receive the gift in your inbox, so no need to enter your email again.
Problems, Problems Go Away!

When it rains, it pours! Especially when it comes to problems in life. It never fails. Just as soon as one thing goes wrong, a series of difficult circumstances seem to follow. Ever been there? Why is it that problems always seem to come in sets of three? Strike 1! Strike 2! And by the time strike 3 hits, you’re already walking to the dugout. Sometimes I brace myself and think, “What’s going to happen next?” Or just when I think I can’t take one more thing…boom! The roof caves in. It’s just the way life goes. We all have
This is Not What I Planned
Can we really find peace when life doesn’t work out the way we planned? This is a part of a larger series. If you missed the other posts in this series, you can find them here: Week 1 – Peace in the Unknown Week 2 – What if I Fail? Week 3: This is NOT What I Planned The planner in me loves to see a calendar with every event written in pink ink with hearts, scrolling doodles, and bold underlining of the important things. The longer I live, I’m learning plans don’t always pan out the way we think
What If I Fail?
Peace in Every Place: Week 2 What If I Fail? I pressed send again. I put my heart on the page of paper and I put it out there for people to see and critique. The goal was acceptance and approval. When rejection comes from people who seem to know what they are doing, it gives you a sense of failure and frustration. I followed all the rules and crossed every t, but my work wasn’t good enough. Have you ever put yourself out there? You go out on a limb thinking you’re doing the right thing and then, snap!
Peace in the Unknown
Welcome to a new series – Peace in Every Place! If you are in a season when peace feels a bit distant, I hope this encourages you. We all go through tough times. So hold on and know this too shall pass. If this series encourages you, be sure to leave a comment or shoot me an email! I am praying for you! Peace in Every Place We all know that feeling of facing circumstances that cannot be predicted. It’s the waiting periods of life that make us evaluate our faith and question our motives. Have you been there? You want