Coping With Loss Through the Holidays

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Coping With Loss Through the Holidays

Losing a loved one is one of the hardest things many people ever walk through on this earth. When you lose someone that you love, there are no words to describe the loss. People try to put words to it by saying things like: I’m so sorry. I understand. Your loss is heaven’s gain. In time you will feel better. But I am learning more and more that time does not necessarily heal this type of loss. And the truth is no one can completely understand your grief because they aren’t you. Complete peace and restoration will only come on

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When I Feel Unsatisfied

If I had a spouse like they do… If my children were as well behaved as theirs… If I could just get a new outfit… If my hair would grow faster… If my house was nicer… If I was more talented… If I could just get a new… If I just had more… If…If…If.. It is easy to become discontented by looking at what others have. Our eyes wander to someone else’s place of joy, happiness, and possessions, and we are quickly fooled into thinking we need what they have. Although we know that everything we own belongs to God

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10 Ways to Give Generously Without Breaking the Bank

Children often display the true art of generosity. They put their efforts down on paper and present their masterpiece with a proud grin from ear to ear. They just know the receiver of their gift will squeal with delight and the art work will be displayed for all to see on the refrigerator. They value their efforts and they sincerely believe others should too. As adults I think we hold a similar pattern in life by putting our hearts into things we are passionate about. But somewhere along the way we convince ourselves that money is tied to value, as

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Hope As Seasons Change

One by one I watch as the colorful leaves dance through the air. As the leaves rustle and sway down to the ground, I wonder about the journey each leaf has endured. I wonder about the new life they experienced in the spring or summer, and the heat, rain and storms they endured throughout the year. And now their life is seemingly complete. They will rest with a pile of other leaves that were once full of fresh new life and vibrant color. As I walk through the pile below my feet and hear the crunch of the dried brown

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School Year Prayers From A Mama’s Heart – November

If you missed the first few months of this series you can find them here: August September October Click HERE for your School Year Monthly Calendar. I cannot believe it is already November! Every year the school year seems to zoom by faster and faster and this time of year seems to slip away quicker than any other. I love the fall season and the excitement of gearing up toward Christmas, but more and more I am feeling the need to savor every single moment with my children. God is reminding me how short our days on this earth really

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He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

Here a boy, there a boy, everywhere I look, a boy. I remember too well the way my teenage crush would change by the day, hour and minute. I wanted to find “the one” and settle into a strong relationship, but my mind and opinion of guys would change more than once a day. At some point, I grew out of my fickle feelings of hopping carelessly from one crush to another and I passionately surrendered my heart to my sparkly blue-eyed sweetheart. Much like my feelings of here a boy, there a boy, everywhere I look a boy, my

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