Tags: calmness, christianity, encouragement, faith, hope, love, Peace, rest, stress, worry
More of God’s Presence: Week 8 – Happily Ever After
Welcome to the final week of the Psalm 23 series: More of God’s Presence. If you missed the other posts in this series, you can find them here: Week 1: The Shepherd Week 2: Green Grass Week 3: Still Waters Week 4: Restoration Week 5: My Worth Week 6: The Valley Week 7: You Are Invited Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. Psalm 23:6(KJV) I pull the covers up over her little shoulder, and I lean in close for a goodnight
More of God’s Presence: Week 7 – You Are Invited

Welcome to our Psalm 23 series! If you missed the other posts in this series you can find them here: Week 1: The Shepherd Week 2: Green Grass Week 3: Still Waters Week 4: Restoration Week 5: My Worth Week 6: The Valley You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Psalm 23:5(ESV) Just beyond the valley of life lies a fork in the road. One road is the narrow way where enemies lurk at every turn; the other road looks broad, a bit easier and seems
More of God’s Presence: Week 5 – My Worth
Welcome to Week 5 of More of God’s Presence. If you missed the other posts in this series, you can find them here: Week 1: The Shepherd Week 2: Green Grass Week 3: Still Waters Week 4: Restoration THE PATH Sometimes I like to take all the credit. You know, like when one of my kids does something really amazing and I sit there and grin from ear to ear thinking, “Yep, that’s my kid!” Or when I actually get all the laundry caught up and even match all the socks that have been sitting in a basket for months,
More of God’s Presence: Week 4 – Restoration
Welcome to Week 4 of the series More of God’s Presence. We are walking through Psalm 23 shedding light on the intricate details of God’s Presence. I hope you will join us on this journey and embrace God’s Presence like never before! If you missed the other posts in this series, you can find them here: Week 1 – I Shall Not Want Week 2 – He Makes Me Week 3 – Still Waters Week 4: RESTORATION I yearned for calmness, rest, and repair as if it would never come. If I could fix the situations in my life, then
More of God’s Presence – Week 3 – Still Waters
Welcome to Week 3 of our series More of God’s Presence! This week we are discussing “still waters”. I would love to hear your thoughts on this part of Psalm 23! If you missed the first two weeks you can find them here: Week 1 Week 2 Still Waters by Micah Maddox I close my eyes and try to rest. I replay the day, each trial, each test. The thoughts of mistakes, the things I said, The moments I longed to just go to bed. I want to be the best version of me. No matter how hard I try,
More of God’s Presence – Week 2
Welcome to Week 2 of our Psalm 23 series – More of God’s Presence. If you missed last week you can view it HERE. With my long blonde hair pulled tight into pig tails I pranced through the luscious green grass feeling every blade between my toes. I found a nice spot to sit, and I began to examine the grass, so tender and vibrant green. My grandma’s lawn was the prettiest I had ever seen. Each blade of grass could stand alone. The name was St. Augustine and it beckoned my name from the car window as soon as