Tags: christianity, encouragement, motherhood, parenting, stress, worry
When Things Don’t Go As Planned
I used to pre-plan every minute of every day. Seriously. Every. Single. Minute. I love to make lists and check things off when they are complete. There is a successful feeling tied to the completion of projects and tasks, however, I have learned to stop allowing my plans to dictate my happiness. When things don’t go as planned there is no reason to get upset, frustrated, or crazy. And trust me, I have plenty of experience in the crazy category. Things happen. Life happens. It’s 3:00 AM and I hear the sound of a child. In my half a-sleep state,
The Bravest Thing
It’s sometimes the obvious things that are the most difficult. It’s obvious that we need to confess our sins and turn from them, but it’s much more difficult to actually take that step. Sometimes it’s comfortable to stay put. The guilt becomes the norm and the struggle seemingly fades away. The sin that consumes your life looks normal and you are surrounded by other people engaging in the same stuff. You can go on for a while, pressing down conviction and the knowledge of right and wrong. After all, everyone is doing it. At some point you are faced with
Why Worry?
Worry is not desirable, yet I often choose it, even fight for it. I actually despise the feeling I get deep in my gut when something is disturbing my normal. It’s hard to articulate exactly what ignites this feeling. Sometimes it only takes a word, a sight, a smell or a sound to bring up memories of past problems that make me feel physically ill. The feelings of worry are familiar. I don’t want to feel this way, but I don’t know how to escape. If I could break free from worry I would feel so much better. The weight
Mended by Mercy
It was just one of those mornings. I was rushing to get breakfast on the table and the kids dressed and ready for school. I poured my second cup of perfectly brewed coffee, added my favorite peppermint mocha cream, gave it a swirl and was ready to indulge. I picked up my cup and hustled to the table. When I turned around I made the corner a little too quickly. As I bumped into the wall, my coffee mug slipped from my hand in slow motion and exploded onto my freshly cleaned hardwood floor. A flood of emotions swirled inside