The One Thing Your Child Needs
What is the one thing your child needs? Wisdom doesn’t come natural. It’s not something you can give to your child on their tenth birthday and expect them to cherish it, treasure it, and keep it forever. It’s a day-by-day, moment-by-moment process. “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels.” Proverbs 1:5 (KJV) The hard part is that children have to learn wisdom for themselves. Although I would love to impart every ounce of wisdom I contain into my children, wisdom in itself does not come from me. Wisdom
God-Centered Prayer: Week 5 – God’s Provision

This is our final week of the “God-Centered Prayer” series. I hope you have been encouraged and blessed by it! If you’re joining us for the first time, you’ll find the links to the previous posts of this series at the bottom of this post. I hope you will take advantage of the FREE PRINTABLE PRAYER GUIDES at the bottom of each post in this series! It’s a great way to teach your children how to praise God in their prayers. Also take a look at our “31 Days of Prayer” series. There you will find a different Prayer Guide
God-Centered Prayer: Week 4 – God’s Purpose

“Thy will be done.” This is much easier to say, than actually apply. I desperately want to please God. I want to know Him and to hear Him speak. I want to walk with Him and enjoy the blessings of drawing near to His heart. Throughout my life I have often thought it would take a lot of work, big changes and miraculous blessings to experience God’s will for my life. Sometimes it seemed like distant goal, a long shot, nearly impossible or completely unattainable. I am learning God’s will is a lot like His mercy. It’s new every day.
God-Centered Prayer: Week 3 – God’s Peace

Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:1-2 Every day I woke up and walked the sterile halls down to the dining hall. I saw the same doctors, the same nurses and the same cleaning crew as I smiled through my terrified thoughts. I got my coffee and walked the same path back to my husband’s side. I sat beside him and did what I could to make him comfortable. This
God-Centered Prayer: Week 2 – God’s Power

We often struggle beneath the weight of our burdens because we cannot see beyond our current reality. The pain is too deep, the heartache is too terrible and we cannot reason away the “whys” of our worst nightmares. If we change our thinking to focus on God’s power rather than on our problems, we will take the first step toward living in the presence of God’s power. This week I heard of divorce, cancer, suicide, sexual abuse, hurt feelings, pornography, and deep struggles. People are walking all around us carrying great big, unbearable burdens. The burdens are powerful. They break
God-Centered Prayer: Week 1- God’s Presence

“The presence of God is hard to define, but His absence is easy to detect.” –Michael Catt Do you ever feel like God is far away? Prayer is often a list of requests, a plea for help and a desire to get an answer. Over the next five weeks, we will we take a journey toward “God-Centered Prayer.” The purpose of this series is to pray to God acknowledging who He is and what He has done in our lives. Prayer is so much more than self-centered requests. Let’s shift our focus from what we need from God and give