What If I Feel Like Running Away?
Struggles seep in and the pressures of life weigh me down into the deep end of the pool until I can’t tread water anymore. Running away, taking a different course or road seems like the only way out. I am faced with a choice. Choose to run or choose to believe God is with me in the deep water. That is when we have to realize God is there. He is with me in the deep end. He knows my struggles. He knows your struggles too. If I would allow God to be my lifeline at all times I would
When Things Don’t Go As Planned
I used to pre-plan every minute of every day. Seriously. Every. Single. Minute. I love to make lists and check things off when they are complete. There is a successful feeling tied to the completion of projects and tasks, however, I have learned to stop allowing my plans to dictate my happiness. When things don’t go as planned there is no reason to get upset, frustrated, or crazy. And trust me, I have plenty of experience in the crazy category. Things happen. Life happens. It’s 3:00 AM and I hear the sound of a child. In my half a-sleep state,
Irritated, Irrational & Frustrated: Not the Mom I Want to Be – How Do I Break Free?
He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. Proverbs 25:28 I’m not a perfect mom. Sometimes I’m not even a nice mom. There are days that I wake up in a rotten mood. I feel tired and the littlest thing irritates me, driving me into an irrational craze. I don’t want to feel this way, but it happens. Maybe you’ve had a day or two in this irrational land of irritability. It’s possible that you’ve had weeks or even months of complete frustration. You read parenting books, blogs,
Trust God or Take Life Into My Own Hands: Abortion, Down Syndrome and the Issues of Life
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:14 The auditorium was filled with the sound of little voices singing, “My Chains Are Gone.” In the back of the auditorium was a teenage boy with hands lifted high. There was one difference between the children on the stage and the teen in the back of the auditorium. The boy in the back had Down syndrome. Children with Down syndrome hold a special piece of my heart…a big piece. When I was expecting my first child
Mother of the Year or Monster of the Year? Let Your Family Decide
Motherhood is a priceless gift. There have been days that I wake up and feel like the best mom ever. The kids are clean, kind and obedient. Then there are other days. The other days look a bit like a crazy movie and leave me feeling like a complete failure. The dishes are overflowing in the sink, the house is a wreck, the kids are grumpy, the hubby is looking at me like I am the incredible hulk and I happen to feel like a crazy monster from outer space. Why doesn’t anyone in my house understand me? All I
31 Days of Prayer – Week 5
It is good to remember. Remember where you come from. Remember what you’ve been through. Remember the moments of life that impacted you the most. When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches. Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice. Psalm 63:6-7 Take a look back on your life. Maybe your life is filled with hurt and pain. Just the thought of looking back makes you shudder. You want to press forward and run far away forgetting what has happened. If you could leave