When I Cannot See Tomorrow

I can’t see tomorrow. Sometimes it’s exciting. Other times it’s down right terrifying. If I had known about the health issues then I could have prepared for the future. If I had known about the car accident I would have taken a different route. If I had known about my child’s problems at school I would have considered my options. If I had known about this, and if I had known about that before it happened, life would be so much easier.
Life is unknown. We can plan, prepare and manipulate our lives, but there will always be things that rock our world, upset the routine and paralyze the normal flow.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a clear road map for life? You could open up an app on your phone and see what the future looks like. You could anticipate broken appliances, health problems and relationship struggles. Before the tragedy strikes you could prepare your heart, family and friends. What if an alarm went off every time your child needed a little encouragement or your spouse started to feel distant?
There are things in our lives we cannot control. We simply cannot see tomorrow.
Here’s the good part:
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: you are of more value than many sparrows. Luke 12:7
And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. I John 4:16
3. God works behind the scenes.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
4. God’s purpose will prosper and is greater than the heartbreak, disappointment and struggles of today.
So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11
Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. James 4:13-15
Are there unknowns lurking in your life causing you to feel unsettled, troubled and concerned about the future? Rest in God’s will. Even when you cannot see the outcome or anticipate the result, rest knowing God knows, loves, works, plans and sees every single part of your journey.
by Micah Maddox
When I cannot see tomorrow,
And I don’t know what will come,
I can rest in calm assurance,
knowing God is on the throne.
He always walks beside me,
Every moment, every day.
When I feel alone or frightened,
I will bow my head and pray.
God will never leave me.
His promises are true.
You can rest with calm assurance,
He sees your tomorrow too.
Love and Blessings,
If this has been an encouragement to you, pass it on!
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Thank you for that poem, it is absolutely beautiful.
You are so welcome, Kaylie!
What a blessing to read this. Micah, there is one thing for sure that when I can’t see tomorrow, I can rest in God’s perfect time and providence. Blessings, I’m visiting you from #livefreeThursday.
Tayrina from TGAWrites
Tayrina, you are exactly right! God’s perfect timing and providence is the perfect place to rest! Hope you have a wonderful day! I’m so glad you stopped by again today!
Visiting from #livefreeThursday. Blessed by your post, esp the poem. Need to be reminded that God know what lies ahead and I can trust in His love.
Priscilla, I’m so glad you stopped by! I need to constantly be reminded too! Hope you have s blessed day!
I could almost imagine singing your poem as a hymn. It’s beautiful and assuring.
Thanks so much, Suzie! You are a constant encouragement! Your writing prompts seem to meet me right where I am emotionally and spiritually. I appreciate your ministry!
I imagine God with a map that holds my future. I cannot see that map. I can only see where I am right now. Thank you for sharing.
Jenny, I’m so thankful that He sees it all! Thanks for reading today!
“He seems my tomorrow too”
“He sees my tomorrow too” ~ I love that Micah!!!! #livefreeThursday
Kim Stewart @kimstewinspired
Thanks, Kim! So thankful for that promise!
How beautiful is that poem! And your name! Awesome stuff Micah! Made me think of an old song– “I know who holds tomorrow…” Thanks so much for sharing ♥ Your neighbor over at Coffee for your Heart…♥
I love that song! Many things about tomorrow I don’t seem to understand, but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand….so glad you stopped by, Heather!
Thank you for sharing! That is a beautiful poem. Visiting from Coffee For Your Heart Link Up.
Thanks Casey! Have a great day!
Wow! Exactly what I needed for today. I have been anxious for tomorrow, literally tomorrow, 6/13/15. But your words of encouragement and God’s spoken truth, through His Word and promises, reassures me of the peace he gives because he does hold tomorrow in His hands. I was given another sweet reminder this week…..If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future, and if you are at peace, you are living in the present. God is SO faithful and he does work ALL things out for our good. I’m so grateful I do not have to do life alone. Thank you again for your blog.
Annette, how awesome! I love the words you shared! And I will pray for your tomorrow!
Wonderful words of truth and inspiration!
Let’s believe it and live like we beleive it right?!!!
Thank you Micah! Keep sharing!!
sorry for the typo :) moving too fast–again :) That would be BELIEVE BOTH TIMES :)
No worries! :) believe! Love & Blessings!
Oh Micah, such beautiful imagery you painted in my mind as I read your words. THANK YOU. Your words are BEAUTIFUL and they matter. Hugs. Susan
Thanks, Susan! Hugs to you, friend!
We do tend to want to be in control of our lives, don’t we? Too many times we actually think we are, then something we weren’t expecting and/or prepared for hits us like a sledgehammer…I believe that’s God reminding us who IS in control, and it’s not us!
I really like what you had to say about the uncertainty of our tomorrows – very wise and so encouraging! Some of us had to learn the hard way…
Be blessed in the light of our LORD and Saviour my sister. Jodee
Thanks, Jodee! I love your comments! So true!
I recently found your site while reading Proverbs31 devotional. It is amazing how someone you don’t know can have your same experiences, feelings, hopes and dreams. You touch on subjects that pertain to things I have experienced or am going through.
Thank you for opening your heart. When I read these I feel peaceful and can connect with GOD in a way I may have missed. By looking at your perspective, I can get a whole different angle of GOD.
I feel blessed to have found this!!!
I’m so glad you stopped by!
Thank you so much for this blog post and the poem. I am going through something that has defi tuely rocked my world like never before and has lead to a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder, which makes it hard to not focus on the possible “what ifs” of the future. I was just prescribed medication for this today, so needless to say today has been a very full day of addressing my shortcomings and accepting the help that God provides through medical professionals. This blog really spoke to me and gave me peace, reminding me, among other things, that God knows every detail of my situation and he sees tomorrow. Being reminded that he has it all figured out and that my part is to trust this fact daily is very comforting. Thank you for pointing out what I need to hear and the scripture to find these truths.
And just something quick to add – I have a son named Micah and used to live on Maddox Ave. Seems like God is saying – “this is for you – read it!”
Oh Gina! I’m thrilled to have you here! I’m
I’m sorry for all you are dealing with. I hope the words God gives me will continually encourage you. Look to Jesus and He will give you what you need each step of the way.
What a great poem! And boy are you right, it would be nice to know what tomorrow brings, but I also believe we are more connected to our Higher Power when we don’t know. ;)
No doubt!
Beautiful words! Great reminder that it’s not our job to worry, just to keep moving forward in the faith that God’s got this – whatever comes next.
Yes. Full surrender. Keep trusting, Kathryn. Thank you for reading today!
Beautiful post and poem, sweet Micah! You have blessed and encouraged my heart this morning! Thank you so much for sharing this! Peace and many blessings to you, Love! :-)
Tai, I’m so thankful you were blessed! Love & Blessings sweet friend!
Hey Micah,
What an encouraging post filled with great reminders of God’s control and faithfulness. Don’t you love knowing that our God is so totally in charge and in control of things!
I came over on the You’ve Gotta Love it Tuesday Party. Glad to find your site. And, I signed up for your emails.
Blessings to you,
Melanie! I’m so glad you stopped by and I look forward to connecting again! Thanks for signing up for my emails! Have a great day!
Just as a cool FYI, my maiden name is Maddox. It’s spelled the same way. Maybe we are distant relatives
Maybe so! Interesting.
Hi Micah. :) Nice to see another Compel face.
What a beautiful reminder that He holds our tomorrows safely in his hands.
Thank you for this encouragement today.
~ Joining you at the #RaRaLinkup today. :)
Brenda! I love when my Compel sisters visit me! Thank you for your sweet words!
Thank you, Micah, for these beautiful and encouraging words!
As I was reading, I was thinking of the saying, “I won’t worry about today because it’s almost over. I won’t worry about yesterday because it’s already past. I won’t worry about tomorrow because HE is already there.”
Worry comes so naturally to us. We need constant reminders that our God already knows all that we don’t. Thanks for that reminder today. May HE continue to bless your cup to overflowing.
Yes! Heather, I love the words you shared! Thank you so much!
Really wonderful post, Micah! We can rest with calm assurance….God is on the throne! Absolutely! Thanks for sharing with #RaRaLinkup!
Angela, yes we sure can! That keeps me going! I’m so thankful for Jesus!
Micah, I love the confirmation of ‘rest’ in your blog post. Thank you for the encouragement and perspective you give along with scripture verses. So grateful for you!
Stacey, yes! “Rest” sums it up nicely! God has definitely spoken rest into my soul through some difficult seasons. He is so faithful! My prayer is that others will hear and feel that same rest in their difficult times. I hope you have a great day! Thanks for your linkup!
Enjoyed this post and loved the powerful reminders that God is always with us and knows what is best. #FindStability
Thanks, Lisa!
Oh, goodness, I really needed to read this. I have been struggling, lately, and reading these Truths about God was exactly what my heart needed. Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem, too! :) I’m so glad I’m your neighbor at Women with Intention! :)
Kelsey, I’m so thankful you were blessed by this!
Amen to this: “Even when you cannot see the outcome or anticipate the result, rest knowing God knows, loves, works, plans and sees every single part of your journey.”
Thank God for Jesus! I don’t need to know tomorrow. He does and already has it figured out.
I love your beautiful poem. It is so good to be reminded that God sees all of our tomorrows. We do not need to be afraid. We can trust in Him. He’s got this!
Blessings and hugs,
Thank you, Kamea! Yes He does!
Beautiful words of encouragement! Thank you :)
Blessings, Joan
Joan, you’re so welcome! Have a great day!
Micah I’m kinda on the fence with seeing tomorrow. I might want to run and hide if I new what was on the other side of today. But I am doing my best to rest in God as I know He holds the future. Be blessed! – Kia
Kia, I know what you mean. So thankful He already sees and knows!
This makes me think of the hymn “Because He Lives”
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone!
I love that hymn! “Because I know he he holds the future…”
It seems that God is really ministering to me through your blog, Micah. This post was exactly what I needed to hear. Last night my family sat up late chewing over a spiritual situation that we don’t understand, trying to figure out what it means for us and how to proceed. Your scripture verses pointed me once again to the God of the Universe – rest in Him, He sees tomorrow, what does it matter that I do not? Your poem was beautiful. I will share the whole post with my family. Have a blessed day!
Dear Micah, this was beautiful and so encouraging! Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth! :)
Good morning! This is just a little note to let you know we have *FEATURED* this post today on the ART OF HOME-MAKING MONDAYS at Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth. Thank you for joining us! We hope to have you again this week and have a lovely week! :)
Jes, Thanks so much! I hope this is an encouragement to many!