When Things Don’t Go As Planned

I used to pre-plan every minute of every day. Seriously. Every. Single. Minute.
I love to make lists and check things off when they are complete. There is a successful feeling tied to the completion of projects and tasks, however, I have learned to stop allowing my plans to dictate my happiness. When things don’t go as planned there is no reason to get upset, frustrated, or crazy. And trust me, I have plenty of experience in the crazy category.
Things happen.
Life happens.
It’s 3:00 AM and I hear the sound of a child. In my half a-sleep state, I listen carefully and am faced with the decision to nod back off into sweet sleep or get up and tend to the sound. If I could identify the exact need of the child, I would have a better gauge on what to do. As I snuggle back down into bed, I hear it again. My body lies still, but my mind tells me to get up and check on the situation.
Instantly it hits me, and my feet hit the floor running. I had heard this sound before. It wasn’t the nightmare cry, fear of the dark or the need for a drink of water. It was one of the most dreaded sounds and smells a parent could experience, especially in the middle of the night. As I evaluate how bad the damage could be, I stumble through the dark to the sound of gagging, hoping there are no stray Legos in my path. One of the children was sick to their stomach and I was pretty sure they did not make it to the restroom. The smell hit my nostrils before I arrived on the scene.
Amidst trying to get the sick child bathed, linens in the washer, treating the stain on the comforter, holding back my sensitive gagging reflux and still squinting in hopes of a little more sleep, I was in full mom-survival mode. The rest of the night was followed by continual episodes of sickness and clean up. As I lay back down between each episode, I contemplated how tomorrow would be affected.
I had carefully planned the day to be as productive as possible, but I was dealing with the realization that my plans, seemingly productive, would not be produced like I had imagined. Instead, when my alarm went off, I was exhausted and the thought of getting up and starting the day seemed impossible.
It wasn’t until morning that reality set in and I realized my agenda for the day would be tending to my weak child. The “To Do” list I so carefully prepared would have to wait. In my mind, I knew I had to change my plans, but I had fought against my own will all night, thinking I could still complete all I had hoped to accomplish.
When things seem to interrupt busy schedules and illness or circumstances cause plans to be ruined, rather than crumbling and grumbling, embrace it. Erase your plans and make the best of your situation.
Be flexible and allow yourself to live outside of your “To Do” list.
Just because things don’t go as planned, does not mean you are a failure, or that today is a waste.
Planning is good, but flexibility is better.
Use the interruptions and undesired circumstances of life to experience what God already knew would happen anyway. In my case, God gave me a day to hunker down at the house and love on my children a little extra. Don’t get me wrong, my “To Do” list was still in my mind and on my notebook written with my favorite pen surrounded by doodles of flowers and hearts, but the things on the list would have to wait another day.
Sometimes interruptions of life are short and sometimes they last for seasons causing us to truly live moment by moment. I will tell you from experience, living one day at a time, leaning on Jesus every step of the way is a great place to be.
Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Proverbs 27:1
A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps. Proverbs 16:9
Interruptions are destined to intrude on your plans. Submit them to the Lord and make the best of it. Do not allow your “To Do” list to dictate your life.
Make a new plan to live in the flexibility of God’s divine purpose for each and every day.
Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Psalm 143:8
Submitting my interruptions today. Will you join me?
If this has been an encouragement to you, pass it on!
Love & Blessings,
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I can’t tell you how much I needed to read this post, Micah! Yesterday I got everything I needed ready for a productive morning. I cleaned off my desk, filled my diffuser, laid out my Bible and set the coffee pot. Before crawling into bed, I set my alarm for 5am. Let’s just say, I didn’t get to my Bible until 9am, and all thoughts of a productive morning are off the table. I did get a lot of baby and toddler snuggles in, though! Thank you for speaking Truth into my life this morning. My ways are not His. I hope you have a wonderful day today! :)
Oh Kelsey I hear you! I hope you had a good day! Thanks for stopping by!!
I am a recovering list maker, and in the past when I had to go off the list the day was considered a failure. God has grown me in the past couple years to not rely on the list so heavily but to be flexible. It was a big learning curve and too many days I want to grab the list back but life is much less stressful when it has the flexibility of following His plan! Loved your post and so glad I stopped by from Mommy Moments
I often start to grab my list and then submit. His plan is always best! Winter, I’m so glad you can relate & were encouraged! Love & blessings!
Great post. I understand your feelings of failure when you cannot complete your task list. Thanks for sharing your heart today.
I always love when you stop by Jenny. Thanks for reading today!
I’m such a slave to my to-do list. I plan every minute as well, even adding things in the margin of my planner, as if that margin contains extra time. I love this: “Be flexible and allow yourself to live outside of your “To Do” list.” I so often feel as if I’m living “inside” my list. What an eye-opening way to look at it. Thank you for this encouragement!
Candace I totally get you! I lived there a long time and I still find myself making notes in the margin…constantly learning and adjusting! Little by little. I hope you have a great day!
Feel like I have been submitting to interruptions already since about 12:30 am when the two year old woke up for the first time with a bad dream. I have to let go of my plans and let God use my life for His glory!!!
Stasis, keep submitting. I know it’s not easy. I hope you can get the rest you need today and feel successful as you mother your sweet little one. Keep it up, mama. You can do it. All for His glory!
Micah, I’m visiting from Holly’s. It’s so nice to meet you. Your site is beautiful. I try to remember that the interruptions in my day may be what God intended all along. Interruptions are His plans and often the best blessings in my day. Grace to you. I look forward to getting to know you better.
Yes Deb, oh those blessed interruptions…many times the best blessings. So true! Thanks for coming by! I hope to see you again soon!!
Thanks Micah! It is interesting how you and I are writing on similar topics today. God is speaking a message on this today. I don’t want to get caught up in missing the blessings. Interruptions are an invitation to meet with him, if we will choose that path. Great inspiration! Cheering on your truth today from the #RaRalinkup on Purposeful Faith.
Love how God does that, Kelly! #RaRalinkup
I’m so not good at living outside of my plan! LOL But God is telling me I need to learn. Thanks for this encouragement to look for how God is working and showing up outside of my plan for the day.
Oh Holly I’m with you! It’s nice when things go the way I imagine, the hard part is, that rarely happens lol!
I know this all too well. I set a personal schedule each day and fee like a failure when I’m not following it. God truly humbles me in these times. Appreciate your honesty! Blessed to be neighbors from #testimonytuesday! PS I think we were neighbors last week too, lol.
Sam, I know that humbling feeling. Thanks for coming by again! I look forward to visiting you a little later today!
Oh so true, as moms we have to plan but also be flexible. Thanks for linking up at the #lifegivinglinkup
Thanks for stopping by Sue!!
Lord knows, my heart needs help when I’m interrupted. I couldn’t get through the first paragraph of your post without one of my little guys coming in to tattle.
This beautiful parenting experience…it’s all day, every day :) Submitting my interruptions!
Oh Meg! I completely understand! You go girl! You can do it!
My devotion was about the exact same thing this morning. Seems God is trying to tell me something! Thanks for sharing!!
Dana, I love when God does that! Hang in there!!
I am a 51 year old “list maker” who has been making lists since elementary school. Everyone jokingly gives me a hard time about it and I laugh with them. But as I have gotten older and my kids are on their own, I look back and regret so many times that I refused to deviate from my lists and just enjoy the moments God was giving me at the time with my children. I truly struggle with letting go of my “lists” and letting God take charge. As I read this today, tears stream down my face as I think of the mom I could have been back then if only I knew then what I know now and how different my relationship with God is now. I pray for “flexibility” and the ability to Let go and Let God. List making has sort of been a disease for me, and I know I can’t change the past, but I can change the way I approach each day. As we anxiously await the birth of our 1st grand baby, I pray that God gives me the ability to throw away my lists and be there for my daughter and granddaughter. Thank you so much for sharing this today….it was exactly what I needed! God is so good!
Wow! Becky, your words are powerful! Thank you for sharing your heart. I am constantly learning to altar my plans. Congratulations on your soon to be new grand baby! Love & blessings! I’m sure you’ll be a wonderful Grandmommy! Throw the list out the window and hug and kiss that sweet little one. They grow way too fast!
Thank you for letting me share… I have never said these thoughts out loud before. I can’t wait to get my arms around our precious little baby!!
What a sweet time to look forward to! I’m so happy for you!