When You Need a Fresh Start
Now I stand outside exposed to the elements and I feel the gentle warmth of the sunshine. I close my eyes and breathe deeply as the cool breeze lightly brushes across my face. The smell of the fresh-cut lawn fills the air and I anticipate the sight of colorful flowers that will begin to bloom over the next few weeks.
Before we know it, the sun will beat down so hard that we will lather in sunblock, find shade under umbrellas, and squint until the wrinkles in our forehead begin to look like part of who we are. The season will change again without warning and we’ll be longing for cooler temperatures. It’s just the way it goes. One season comes, and we begin to anticipate the next.
Before you wish away the days until summer, take a long look around you. As new life begins to spring forth from the earth, eggs hatch, flowers bloom, and pollen fills the air, enjoy the simple beauty of the season.
It’s the season of a new beginning. New beginnings are one of the most beautiful things on earth. If we miss the newness of each season, we are missing a beautiful gift God has freely created for us.
When you see the tiny green buds, let it remind you that you too are growing. Though you may not be able to see the little buds in your life, God is creating something spectacular deep beneath the surface. It might not be until the next season of your life that you see the flowers bloom.
When you hear the birds and consider the eggs that soon will hatch, remember your new life in Christ and the way an old life has been transformed. If you are longing for transformation, there is warmth and comfort in placing all your faith in Jesus. You can have new life, and a new song will begin to fill the air.
When you feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, be encouraged that God is near. Allow His presence to soak into your soul and saturate every part of your life. He wants to comfort you in whatever season of life you are in.
When you experience the rain showers of spring, let it be a beautiful picture of God’s washing and bringing forth of new life. He makes dead things come to life. He makes old things become new again. He makes barren land become filled with fruit. He makes sinful lives whole again. He washes away bitterness and gives peace and healing to all who seek Him. Just as the rain cleanses and gives life to the land, Jesus blood washes away our sin and gives life to empty barren souls.
Sometimes we long for the seasons of our life to pass quickly to escape the storms, the rain, and the wind, but God’s beauty can shine in every season. How beautiful when we sit back and admire the beauty of spring and all God shows us through His creation.
If you are in a season that feels cold, lonely, and dry, I hope you will find joy in the simple beauty of this new season God has given to us.
If you need prayer in the current season of your life, leave a comment below. I would also love to hear what your favorite season is and why!
Happy Spring!
Love & Blessings,
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I listened to a sermon today that talked about the seasons of our lives. Is it not awesome that every day is a new day to follow because we have been forgiven
Yes! I’m so thankful for forgiveness! When I really stop and think about it, it makes everything much clearer. Thanks for stopping by, Angie!
Hello Micah, I enjoyed this post. Spring is my favorite time, although each season carries its own blessing. It is Holy week, and I am house-bound, so I look to blogs like yours for fellowship. Thank you for reaching out in love to others here.
In His Love,
I love spring too!
Need a fresh start? In tears I cry out to God for that very thing. Sweet Jesus what a joy that would bring!!! Please pray that the Lord would look merciful at these tears and truly grant me a new start, which I so desperately need!
Praying for you today!
I do so love spring! So excited to see the new things popping up daily. Even though our weather turned cold again, I know it won’t last. Grateful for God’s changing of the seasons in so many areas of our lives.
Spring is such a great metaphor for all that we really value in life. A new beginning, life and energy, warmth and fresh air — So thankful (with six inches of new snow on the ground!) that all this is available in Christ.
We had quite a chilly first day of spring too! But we get a warm day here and there. I think it’s supposed to be around 65 today! Yeah!!!
I love this post and reminder, Micah! I enjoy autumn the most, but as I have gotten older I have come to appreciate every seasons’s special gifts and love that we live in the Midwest and get to experience all of them and what they show us about the Lord. It is so often true that we rush to the next season of weather or life and too often miss the things of value of the current season whether difficult, lonely, hard, or joyous. As I have gotten older, here too, I have come to not rush to a new season and wish I had savored other earlier seasons a bit more. We are all prone to want to get through certain seasons of parenting without realizing what our parents or others tell us that the time will go by quickly and suddenly our children will be off to college and then off to their own homes to start their own homes. I think we all need to come to appreciate the gift of the present more than we often do and trust the Lord in it. Happy to be your neighbor at the Linkup at A Field of Wild Flowers.
I also love the fall! There truly is something to enjoy in each season! Thank you for the parenting reminder! Oh how the days can be long! I need to cherish the moments! Thank you so much for your sincere comments!
Hi Micah!
Happy Spring to you, too! My favorite season is Fall. I LOVE the fall. I even named my daughter Autumn Joy! I love the way it starts to cool off, just perfectly. And you even get a bit of Indian summer – that time of the year when the weather if absolutely perfect!
Lovely post. You’ve shared some wonderful insights about our life in Christ. How perfectly paired with the Easter season.
Thanks for sharing and have a blessed week!
Oh I love your daughter’s name! Beautiful!
I love new beginnings and the beauty of spring in teaching us that lesson. We shouldn’t wish away any of our seasons because God is working in us through them all. Even though we may feel stagnant in winter, God still is pruning away at our hearts and preparing us for the next season. It’s a beautiful process that should have us rejoicing in any season. Easter blessings!
I know all about the pruning process. It can be painful and sometimes seems like it will never end, but eventually God makes something beautiful! All in His time! Mary, I always love your perspective!
I like the way you equated the coming of spring to God’s work in our life. Think I’ll keep that in mind to remind me of the constant ‘new growth’ God is doing in each of us. thanks
Great advice. My spring, right now, involves thunder, lightning and snow! :) But yes, wonderful advice to cling to Spring!
Not quite the spring we dream about is it?! In due time I hope the birds and sunshine will brighten things up!
Beautiful post Micha, and so timely for me! I am going through a new season on so many levels. You’re post was super encouraging for me!!! xoSHannon
So thankful for God’s timing! He always knows exactly what we need when we need it!
Hi Micah! Happy Spring to you! I love spring, and all the “new” that comes with its arrival. Love your encouraging and uplifting words. It’s a blessing to follow you this week at Holly’s. Easter blessings to you!
Julie, I hope you and your family had a Happy Easter! Thank you for hopping over from Holly’s!
I do feel the winter, even thou I live in Puerto Rico. I have been in a season so cold and lonely full of changes in my life. Knowing that there is a new season coming makes my heart happy and to be in expectancy of God’s works in this new season. Just the same as He did in my winter. Beautiful post Micah! Blessings
Tayrina! I didn’t know you were in Puerto Rico! I’m so sorry for all you are going through. I pray God brings some sunshine to your season of life soon! I know what it’s like to be in that cold, lonely season. Keep holding on, girl! And keep writing! You never know how God will use you!