Worry: The Big Time Waster and How to Get Rid of It

Worry: The Big Time Waster and How to Get Rid of It

If you missed previous posts in the series, you can find them here:
Week 1 – Worry: It’s a Real Thing
Week 2 – Worry: One Simple Change

Week 3 – Worry: “What If” vs “What Is”
Sometimes when God calls us to do something for Him, we get caught up in the details and begin to feel like we aren’t qualified to accomplish the goal. It seems too big, too far out of reach, and too impossible. So we quit because we become overwhelmed with worry over the details that we can’t quite figure out.
I’ve been there consumed with the, “I don’t know how this is going to work out,” attitude. I’m learning this place is not such a bad place. The bad part is when we give in to the enemy’s tactic of distraction.
Not knowing how everything is going to work out is just a normal part of life. There are always going to be unknowns and unpredictable seasons. These seasons can either be the most brutal or the most beautiful. And it all depends on how we use our time.
When we waste our time worrying about what hasn’t even happened yet, we end up days, months, and years down the road with nothing to show for it.
When we use our time to follow God’s leading one blind step at a time, we can turn around and see His mighty hand over every difficult moment. It’s not that life is always abundantly productive or amazing, but life is constantly producing fruit when it’s lived in sync with the Savior.
There might be seasons of drought and freezing temperatures when we need to experience a fresh fire from heaven, but even then, if we will live expecting God to work rather than worrying that He won’t, we will be overwhelmed by the way He does.
Worry isn’t your friend. Worry works hard to ruin your God-given dreams and goals. It holds you back from taking that step and seeking God in the midst of the unknown.
It you feel like you are standing at the edge of a cliff and you know God is calling you to jump into a new season of life, maybe it’s time to stop letting the enemy buy your time away with worry. If God is telling you to leap, LEAP! Take the step.
Worry wins too often when we simply give in by wasting the day one hour at a time. Right now, what is God speaking to your heart to do? DO IT! Don’t wait any longer.
Worry wastes your life away, but God gives grace every day. Trust Him!
Love & Blessings,

About Bethany Beams